Should you get MSFS on Xbox?

Um :thinking:, Iā€™m not following how this relates to what happened by clearing the qeueā€¦?

But if I understand correctly, your saying you have the Xbox version installed on your PCā€™sā€¦? How is this possibleā€¦? I have been told and understand that the Xbox version is ā€œONLYā€ for Xbox and canā€™t be installed on PC and is incompatible on a PC.

So if I bought an external Blu-Ray DVD player and attempted to install the Xbox version on my PC, would it workā€¦?


If you buy the MS Store digital version you get the ā€œXbox Play Anywhereā€ feature that allows you to install the software on any of the platforms that are supported. In this case, the Xbox Series S/X and/or the PC.

This wouldnā€™t apply to a DVD purchase.

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I used to be of the opinion that when I bought a game, I wanted something physically in my possession ie. a disc. Iā€™ve completely gone the other direction and see the advantages of digital ownership.

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When you consider that, at some stage, all these online ā€œgamesā€ will face a server shutdown, Iā€™m not entirely sure what good the physical copy really will be. It isnā€™t like days of yore where you could keep an old computer and your old software and run it as you pleased.


I see that MSFS is available on the cloud now as well. I wonder how it plays that way. Interesting indeed

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Well I have a penchant for making sure I have a physical copy for the reason mentioned above. If these online servers were to ever go defunct, permanently, at least I have a hard copy just in case. A back up more or less.

Exactly like it plays on the Series S.

So, 1080p 30 (mostly) FPS.

And if you have things like Premium/Deluxe, Reno and other XBOX compatible add ons you bought in either the XBOX or PC MSFS Marketplace, you can download them too! Basically the whole package, world updates, and any add ons you own that work on Xbox.

It works like the XBOX works. Only with the occasional streaming tear or glitch. But performance is far better than low to mid spec PCā€™s. Just not as much hardware or 3rd Party add on compatibility.

After the PC version of MSFS, graphics (canā€™t get a happy balance) nightmare I went through, Iā€™m staying with the Xbox version. I have the ā€œXā€ series console so Iā€™m quite happy with that. I like it a lot better because thereā€™s no graphic settings to fiddle with. Put it in HDR10 and away you go. For me less is more, keep it simple. Function over form. Iā€™m a minimalist, what can I say. :+1:


You wonā€™t be able to run it if the servers are down

So the cloud version, doesnā€™t contain all the premium content like hand crafted airports unless you have purchased them?

If you have the ā€œoffline mode packā€ you can.

Ive always wondered about the offline pack, have it installed on my series x, guess its a good fallback option if internet fails and I have enough space on the drive still.

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I still think it wonā€™t work if the servers are completely gone. There will be a check or something. Plus if you ever have to reinstall you will be back to the oldest version from the disc.

I havenā€™t tried that yet. Has anybody tried playing without the internet connected to the Xbox consoleā€¦with the ā€œoffline mode packā€ installedā€¦?

I always have internet to the Xbox, but I lost my connection to the servers mid-flight last night, and I didnā€™t notice any difference. It connected back up about 10 minutes later. I have the offline mode pack installed.

As I suspected it would. You just wouldnā€™t be able to add any updates thatā€™s all. Butā€¦still playable nonetheless offline.

No differences because off cache storage .

If you fly above non flown area before, you will have default textures.

I experienced it around Lfpo

Yesā€¦ this includes pre-caching. The sim knows what direction you are flying in and downloads textures and mesh data well in advance of your arrival. Notice, on PC, you get more stutters when you change direction or look another way? That stuff wasnā€™t as prioritized in the pre-caching algorithm. But if you keep looking ahead and flying straight, things tend to be as smooth as they get. So it may have been flying on pre downloaded data for all ten minutes. Especially in a slower plane, or a large plane at altitude.

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I was in the TBM at about 9000 ft. I donā€™t have rolling cache turned on, but it makes sense it would be pre-loading terrain and weather well ahead of my current location. Hopefully the server issues Iā€™m seeing since SU8 will clear up soon.

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If youā€™re a real life airline pilot, note that you can get VATSIM and AIG on PC for MSFS. In addition, some upcoming planes, like the Fenix A320, may not appear on X-Box. By far, if youā€™re a real life airline pilot and you know all the nitty gritty details of flying, you will get more utility out of the PC version of MSFS.

PS. I think one of the biggest losses for X-Box users is The wealth of free add-ons for MSFS at is definitely a huge plus for PC users.