Show stopping bug at TVSA makes airport unfit for purpose

#pc version

Steam version

Both Developer and other.

So, on landing at TVSA, I met this challenge on the entire length of the runway. Can’t taxi to take-off, or to gate due to raised terrain. Needless to say, I crashed and burned trying to get off the runway.

To reproduce, just visit the airport.

I am using an 8600k CPU
2070 RTX
16GB Ram
SSD drive
Windows 10
Latest MSFS version!


Have not laughed so much is weeks !!!

Got to Visit TVSA now just to see this LIVE for myself

– 5 minutes later

You must have some addon scenery messing with TVSA … Looks fine to me on my PC

Maybe even TWO superimposed – looking at the double taxiway markings ?

Interesting, that’s not what TVSA looks like in default MSFS 2020. It seems you have folder some add one scenery, so maybe try removing whatever you’ve added in your Community.

It might be part of some scenery for that region, or even an add-on for runway markings/textures. The runway markings in your screenshot are completely different from what I see

Yes, I see PScaber here as well … so I know I am at the correct airport.

I see both of us flying around at the same time, checking this out! And coming to the same conclusions

I do not see any yellow taxiway lines, or hold short line, just the white Runway lines, and PScaber in their H135 (and EBINS in a C700)

Exactly what I see, I popped over to TVSV to check it was ok - it is. :slight_smile:

got to wonder what EXTRA addon @ SyphontPython has ??

Yes, I did take a quick look at but nothing stood out for me. I have to thank him though, as this has given me some ideas for a future group flight. :slight_smile:

Maybe this addon ??

Since there are two independent reports of default TVSA being normal, this is being moved to #third-party-addon-discussion:airports until @syphontPython can clarify their situation. Bugs and Issues is for stock sim reports only.

Yes, I looked at that, you’re probably right; although, it does say it has been checked for compatibility with SU7.

Anyway, this has made for a more entertaining morning for me!!

firing up MSFS with it installed now – we will see

Mod adds in the yellow taxiways markings, but only one set . OP seemed to have 2 sets … could he have the Mod installed TWICE ??

Maybe OP has an older version of the scenery?

Maybe, I have it installed TWICE now, with slightly different names … wonder what will happen !!!

OH YES – duplicate Yellow Lines, in pairs, but no Crazy runway unevenness

One copy is enough for me – and its seems to work OK, so may as well stay there…
(In selectable Addon Linker )

I think you’re right, and the Addon-linker is a great program as it allows you to quickly turn everything off to help isolate problems like this.