Significant yawing after landing 787 after update

After today’s update (, the 787 yaws almost uncontrollably after landing, making it hard to keep it on the runway let alone the centerline, even with a 5 knot cross/head wind. I landed a HondaJet and a PMDG 737 on the same runway under similar conditions and didn’t have any issues.

Caveat: for many months (years), I have kept Auto Rudder on for all aircraft, mainly because of significant ground yawing for both takeoff and landing for even slight crosswinds. This behavior totally reminds me of that, but I got the same behavior for four landings with Auto Rudder turned both on and off.

I have Saitek/Logitech rudder pedals, FWIW.

I noticed this today after the update.

Will try it again later too see if its happends at all the time

I have auto rudder always off.

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If its the only plane that does it, that suggests something in its CFG files. Did they perhaps mess up its rudder size? Or maybe their had the new static friction, and crosswind options enabled in the previous version, and removed them with this. I can’t see how a 5kt crosswind could make it difficult to keep on the runway though.

I’ve seen the same and definitely not in the 787, but I forgot which plane it was. I would likely have been the C172 (G1000) or the XCub. Pulls to the left IIRC. I can’t even counter it with full opposing rudder. It usually tips my plane over on the runway. It doesn’t happen every time.

I noticed the same behaviour (787) - after normal landing (RWY 27, headwind 270 / 6 kts), when still decelerating on the runway, aircraft tends to yaw to the right, so i needed to compensate (using moderate deflection) with my rudder pedals.

Tonight I’ll try to set up a 10-15 knot crosswind landing and post a video.

The new update included improvement to pitch reaction when landing, but no mention of yaw. The yaw action was definitely not present in the previous beta version.

  • [787] AP: Improve flare behaviour for smoother touchdown
  • [787] FBW: Adjusted air-to-ground transition to eliminate sudden addition of elevator on touchdown

Heres a video from today, with the latest update ( There is a light 6 knot crosswind from the left.

Landing Yaw.mp4

Did you have any aileron correction in that landing? I saw the yaw to the left, but I also saw the left wing rising up.

No aileron was used, but I’ll try doing that for my next attempt. Thanks for the idea.

Ailerons into the wind, and opposite rudder.

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Tweaked my rudder settings sensitivity to -55, seems to have reduced the yawing problem a bit on my last couple of landings.

oh my…flight model in MSFS need some heavy work. The A310 does the same thing

Agreed. From what I’ve experienced, lighter aircraft are more prone to crazy yaw than the bigger ones, but the 787 is the exception for the latter. It’s fine on takeoff, but landings are uncontrollable, and I know passengers would be screaming and drinks would be flying left and right. A few people in the WT Discord have also noted this effect as well.

I tried the aileron into wind/rudder opposite procedure as suggested above…maybe it helped, but I probably need to practice this more, as I know it’s a standard way to land any plane with a crosswind.

I do feel that a decent landing is the key to a successful flight, so maybe I put more value on landing behavior than others. I actually enjoy the 747 a bit more at this juncture because of this, plus it’s kinda fun to deal with the more complex fueling system of the 747.


I noticed the same issue today using the version. After a smooth touchdown, a/c wanted to go off runway and was difficult to control. I’ll have to look at my rudder setup but have not changed anything for months. Also noticed a very sluggish and hard to set, up/down trim using the flight stick. (T.16000m).

I’m having this exact same issue but with the official version/release that was sent out today (22 June). The 787 just veers off to the right and I can hardly keep control.

Anyone know if there is a fix?

This is fixed internally, but did not make it into the AAU2 release version.


Thank you, WT team.

Excellent news! This is my only sticking point with this otherwise outstanding aircraft.

In other words, a fix is expected to be in the next release? Do you have an ETA?

So much has changed with the 787 and 747 - tons of good stuff so I want to be encouraging :wink: They are, however, very different from their previous versions. Lots to learn!

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