hello. If I add an airport scenery to my Community folder while the sime is running…will FS see it if I then go to that airport or do I need to restart the sim?
that’s a real silly quest. you need to restart it, which in turn will allow the sim to re-compile the content.xml for the handcrafted scenery.
Try it and find out!, you need to restart. BRGDS.
Two of us answered at the same time.
To paraphrase an actor from back home: “The only silly question is the question never answered.” Be kind as well as knowledgeable in your responses. Thanks.
I thought it was “The only silly question is the one never asked.”.
Tried it and it works with no restart of the sim. Perhaps it scans the directory looking for changes or something.
Marketplace purchases work like that, but I’ve not seen third-party addons installed to the Community folder work like that. Time to go test it!!!
It is best practice to only add or update community add-ons while the sim is not running. If you do it while the sim is running, it may work fine - but it may APPEAR to work fine and have unseen issues, or it may not work at all.
There are many reasons for this (caching, open file restrictions, ‘run once’ runtime configurations, etc), many of which are limitations of the operating system, not just MSFS.
Gotcha. I’ll be sure to do it the safe way from now on. Thanks
The only thing that is silly is being afraid to ask a question in the first place. So well done for asking. You have now got an answer to something you were unsure about and can now move on. Good job!!
Thanks for all reply here
in FSX, it was possible to do this without problems whether for planes or airports, so the question was completely legitimate
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