Welcome to the third annual SilverStone Air Racing event organized and hosted by ForderLearnToFly (Twitch ).
Practice session live on stream: Thursday, September 7th, 5pm Eastern (2100z)
You can also practice anytime you wish in your simulator. Our live stream session will have live cameras to follow your path and a timer at the start and finish gates.
Competition Date:2023-09-09T04:00:00Z Saturday
To test your racing skills and compete against other flight simulator flyers. Also to have FUN!
You follow the pylons to complete the famous Silverstone racetrack with modifications for airplanes.
The air-race course was designed by Mechanical Madness and tested with the Extra 330 airplane. You can fly any plane you choose, but stay within those pylons. Judges are watching.
Add-On Scenery & Aircraft:
We use the flightsim.to Silverstone scenery add on (free) here:EGBC - Silverstone Circuit & Heliport » Microsoft Flight Simulator
On that page, you need to install the Mechanical Madness model package too. There are two files to download in total. The Silverstone Circuit & Heliport and the Mechanical Madness Model package.
You can use any fixed wing aircraft that doesn’t hover.
Sign Me Up!
Here is the registration form: we need flying participants, and camera operators. Each of these roles requires you to have any version of Microsoft’s newest Flight Simulator on PC.
Click here to register:Silverstone Air Racing Participants & Camera Operators September 9th, 2023
Rules: Simple Guidlines
Simply fly between the pylons for the whole circuit. If you miss a pylon, you scratch. Each person gets three attempts at the circuit.
The basic guidelines for participants:
We have a practice session two days before the event. You can practice anytime on your own after you install the scenery. Our livestream practice session is Thursday, September 7th at 5pm Eastern, 2100z.
Here is the map of the course. Follow the arrows in a clockwise rotation. Some pylons are easy to miss and tricky to navigate. The start and finish is at the yellow/black line you see on the map.
- You get three attempts in the circuit. One point for each successful run. Plain and simple.
A perfect score will result in a total of 3 points. In the event of a tie, we may ask you to do the run again.
There will be an awards ceremony on the same day, right after all participants have finished.
There will be a first, second and third winner (gold, silver and bronze).
Each will get a special certificate of their achievement.
There will be certificates for all participants.
There will be certificates for all staff (volunteers for camera, judges, helpers)