Sim freezing - Xbox flight plan SVMG to SVBC

Always something new! does any of you have this too? When creating a flight plan on the world map from “SVMG” runway 27 to “SVBC” runway 33 and then selecting “IFR Lower Airspace” the sim freezes. You have to restart the sim completely to be able to fly again. This happens regardless of installed adons or Series S/X. the error can be reproduced at will

No problem with this Plan. Everything is fine.

I just entered SVMG apron 1 to SVBC runway 20. Everything okay. But not the above combination. curious

If you have tried with the community folder empty, delete your rolling cache and try.
It does work fine for me as well.

thanks for the tip. but this also happens with a freshly installed sim version on the XBOX X

Sorry, I didn’t notice the xbox at the top, no community folder!
I would still delete the rolling cache, as it may have stored the bad files from your first attempt.
Under “General Options” “Data”

unfortunately that stays the same. a friend has the same problem. however, on the XBOX S. Another does not


Same Problem on the Xbox Series.
I have tested both S/X with fresh Installation.
Thanks for Posting @Kedelklopper :+1:


Same on my Series X.

SVMG to SVBC all fine. Then i click on IFR and the Sim is freezing. :open_mouth:

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Zendesk wrote to me that the bug is logged

Fixed as of Sim Update 9.