So just wondering has anyone noticed this happening lately? Closing out of a flight and more than likely I won’t be able to get back to the main menu. The sim hangs on the loading screen at 100% and I have to kill the process
Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?
Have you disabled/removed all your mods and addons? If the issue still occurs with no mods and add-ons, please continue to report your issue. If not, please move this post to the Community Support section.
Yes, all been removed
Brief description of the issue:
9 times out of 10 I can’t close out of a flight to get back to the main menu. It just hangs infinitely in the loading screen and the only thing I can do is force close the sim
Had the same issue yesterday after I finished the flight and tried to quit back to the main menu. Game simply hanged and I had to kill it 10 minutes later via task manager. Today it simply crashed when I tried to go back to the main menu.
Had never seen this before SU14. The only things I changed recently was Black Square King Air Analog, SWS PC-12 and Bijan 7.4.
This was happening to me as well with Accuseason Advanced edition. When I removed it from community folder, it was back to normal. You mentioned you have disabled all addons though which is strange.
Replicated 3 times in a row. Crashing immediately after ending flight and returning to main menu. I removed the Black Square King Air Analog and the SWS PC-12 and no more crashes. Curious
At a rough guess something, probably minor, that has changed in the update affects something in the addons; really only the addon developer could check this out.
It’s a shame that after almost two and a half years MSFS still has unexpected instabilities. Yes, it’s a sophisticated and complicated piece of software with far too many variables and it must also be very frustrating for the programmers as some (most?) players seem to have few or no problems.
Ok well that’s interesting. I don’t have the Black Square King Air. I do have the PC-12 but I was having this issue long before I bought it. I also have the Black Square Bonanza and Baron, but it was happening me with an empty community folder too, so who knows lol.