Sim is suddenly performing superbly

I’ll join you at EGLC if you are still there :slight_smile:

Can anyone confirm there’s improvement over a major city in the US? This is where many are seeing terrible LOD and autogen issues (vs the countryside)

Give me a location and I will give it a go

LA, Seattle, NYC or Chicago would be good starting cities.

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I’ll try seattle now.

De Gaulle today was fun, as it was the first time I wasn’t # 1 to land, and forced a heavy to overfly me while shoving it into TOGA. :grin: That and parts of Paris dropped into the mid twenties. I’m on Custom Medium (I have exactly the minimum spec rig published) and it’s been great flying the last couple of days - I even have Photogrammetry turned on. LOD radius is still messy, but everything looks great at about 1.5NM and 1500-2000 AGL. Perfect for a VFR Tourista like me.

San Diego runway 27 start. You can just look around and see melted legos (at least as of two nights ago).

Can someone check this?

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Just took off at Seattle, smooth as silk didn’t drop below 30 fps. Got LOD at 200 and I’m not seeing any scenery popping into view at the moment, heading towards Auburn Mun


Well, I’m not sure what’s going on. I too seem to be seeing a significant performance increase today. However, I haven’t been able to finish a single flight due to CTD. I’ve been getting the odd CTD here and there since last patch, but not very often. I’ve tried 4 different flights today on routes that I fly regularly, and CTD for every one of them.

What the hell is going on?

IKR. Almost strange. But awesome!

Who knows. I’m just praying it stays like this it’s fantastic :slight_smile:

I’ll check that out next.

which graphics card, RAM do you have?

Just plane spotting atm. Will do some flying after I’ve eaten something.

This sim doesn’t give me time to eat or sleep lol.

Jeez come on - st least it feels like progress and the forthcoming patch addresses a number of other issues too. Give some credit


I’m on an AMD 3700X, 2070 Super gfx, 32GB of 3600Mhz ram.
It’s always been OK just that today it’s suddenly much better

Just tried san diego and it’s looking fantastic for me today, no sign of the lego buildings etc… though I have seen that effect at other locations a few days ago.

I’d provide some snapshots and a video if I could but they all look so washed out compared to what I’m seeing. Maybe something to do with running in HDR?

Not been to san diego before. Looks really nice heading back East with the mountains :slight_smile:
Thats one heck of a car park around the stadium

That won’t occur until the patch updates and future updates

delete the community folder and let the sim generate a new folder upon startup see if that helps