Sim loading issues and data connection options greyed out this morning (UK time) - both beta and non-beta users

Just to add, same in the UK. SU12.

Its like being back in FS98 with the default ground textures :rofl:


Yep seeing it too, UK SU12

Sunday flights compromised :frowning:
Wanted to buy the deluxe premium version with the current anniversary rebate but not possible yet.

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Thanks all for the reports - to confirm, if you go to Settings > General > Data are you able to turn Online Functionality off, then save, then back on, then save? Sometimes that can kickstart the connection quicker after an outage.


No, all data connection options are blanked out and can’t be interacted with. Server selection just has a spinning wheel of doom, no selection possible


It is locked and greyed out

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same in germany ISP NetCologne

Austria out as well. This is it gents, end if the world :frowning: Had some time today as well, ■■■■■■!

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Moved to User Interface & Online Activities given people are experiencing this regardless of whether they are on the beta

same for me in the UK

Maybe all hamsters that are used to power these servers have been given the day off from their hamster wheels so they can go watch the women’s football final.


Same in Taiwan ,asia server .All online function are blanked.


Same happens to me just now - Germany !
Seems MS have some Server Issues :pensive:

cheers :wink:

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Same in Japan too🥺

Yes can confirm as other poster all Data options are ‘on’ but greyed out, no ability to change anything. Also on restarting getting an Authentication error
MSFS outage1


Something wrong on my side? I did what is recommended. I signed out rebooted and signed in again to no avail.

I think we are all the same.
I hope they fix it soon.
Let’s be patient.

Nope.Soccer is not our main sport.

all down !

Having this issue as well, based in UK.