Impressive Plane! Love it! So many details! Sounds in cockpit could be a bit better, but overall this is highly recommanded from me. This is not to compare with the F-15 DC. Two diffrent Worlds!
An important tip,that maybe you can miss.
Inside your \LocalCache\Packages\Community\simskunkworks-aircraft-g91\Data\ you can find the external layout configurator, called “g91setup.exe”, that allows you to change external layout in real time.
We are very proud of this function,like the capability to drop ordnance,since we are the first SH to test this in MSFS.
Man this has me so excited, just another 5 hours of work and i can take her for a flight!!!
What kind of navigation systems are implemented?
For now,the “real related” navigation,the NDB (NDB radio is on right pedestral)
You can also insert PHI points,that you can insert here:
Just open the exixting “default.LN3” file,and edit by yourself.
Once on the sim,you can recall the steering points using the PHI panel on right pedestral, (pressing the number of the steering point you want to overfly) and you can see distance and bearing on your PHI instrument.
Just remind to use the top left needle on the PHI instrument to show your points.
Ah, nice start.
So NDB in a kind of ADF way.
Sort of inertial navigation system with manual coordinates entry. Wind correction?
Another quick tip for a correct takeoff,in case you choose the “ready to flight” feature on the sim.
On AREA 3:
Power generator:ON;
Main and secondary inverter:ON;
Elevator servo: ON;
On AREA 1:
Click on the canopy lever to push it FWD and lock the canopy;
On AREA 2: (very important for a correct takeoff!!)
Set your pitch trim to climb UNTIL it reaches the red area (takeoff trim position).
As long as you trim it properly,it takeoff by itself.
NDB is the name of the navigation aids on the ground.
ADF is the name of the radio instrument you use to reach them.
Ah, true =] thank you.
I see now ADF in the cockpit now and below a wind correction instrument.
Can not seem to take off without using alot of runway and at low altitude its unstable I am using logitech 3d pro joystick been trying to find the correct sensitivity but still no luck so if anybody has the 3d pro joystick could you post the settings
We have to agree. It’s most certainly not a ‘Good Looker’ aesthetic’s wise but the Excellent Workmanship is very evident and the Cost of the Aircraft is modest.
ps. We’ve just watched a You Tube Vid featuring the Fiat G-91 posted by a Russian Member of our Community. We couldn’t understand a word but he did a great job showing the Cold Start ,Take Off and Landing. We’re quite tempted to purchase this rather ‘Unlovely’ looking Aircraft.
10 mins later,… We gave in to Temptation and will let you how we get on.
Regarding your 3 D Pro,… We’ve just noticed that the Coating on the Throttle Handle seem’s to be peeling off. D’you have the same issue with your’s ?
For the takeoff roll,just be sure you have proper pitch trim setting,as I wrote on the post above.
For the settings,remenber this plane (as the real one) has no autotrim settings,this means that for a smooth use of pitch axis you have to follow your stick with pitch trim action. In other words,if you pull your stick to climb and you do not use your trim to follow the stabilizer,you can get a “bounce effect” as the trim tries to stabilize the pitch axis in the position it has.
I can post by the way a nice sensitivity setting that maybe can help you.
All your aircraft are eventually coming to MSFS marketplace, correct ?
Those settings seem quite a bit unique, you recommend using those settings on every point? What joystick are you using? I am just curious and also i noticed reactivity is at 0, will the arplane be too jerky if it was at lets say, 50%?
Looking at the Wing and Tail Configuration of the Fiat we were thinking it reminded us of ‘Something’.
Tried these setting too sensitive it is unstable in mid air aswell its asking me to right clicking with mouse on certain things in cockpit it does not work
We are waiting for the Microsoft feedback to enter officially in the marketplace.
Other than the G-91 our plans for MSFS are F-84 (a sort of remake of our existing P3D aircraft) and a brand new F/TF 104-G,developed from scratch (only the systems and dynamics will be shared with our “old” F-104,the 3D models (interior and exterior) and all the texturing enviroment will be brand new.
A little preview of the external layout of F/TF-104.
Widow maker for 2020? Yes please