Sim Update 3 [03.09.2021]

Okay, even i’m confused now. :scream:

I always wonder how they could post times not in UTC, working on an aviation product :man_facepalming:


Lets go boys !

Ready in an hour :slight_smile:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Brilliant!

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Let’s hope this all goes well for everyone today

RIP data caps.

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Hope for some VR performance improvements today. Thats all I wish :slight_smile:


I’m hoping for more goodies but yes we would like to see VR improvements for sure

What’s wrong with the communication about the patch? It’s suspenseful!

It is part of the business!

I think the tweet is pretty clear, so not seeing the confusion:



Sorry - not following - what’s the reference to confirmed 3 hours heads up?

But by “today”, what do they mean exactly? Thursday?

Or Wednesday in Kiribati :grin:

OK, so 8am PST is in 30 mins. So I guess they gave approx 90 minutes advance warning (time of tweet was 2.30 UK time or 6.30am PST)

Have we even confirmed that Microsoft uses the Gregorian calendar?


Dates all over the place? Care to elaborate?

This update has been officially slated for release today, the 9th, since way back in January… nothing has changed. (Look up the previous blogs which show the development roadmap).

The development update is on the 11th.

We always get Sim/World updates on the Tuesday. It’s always been that way.

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Oh, no :anguished:
I have mine set to Julian