Sim Update 3 has broken the most essential : mod Vegetation Draw Distance Fix! Please fix that!

Yes ramped the usercfg myself to LOD 5.00000, there I’d get almost get a tree draw distance as high as it was before Simupdate 3.
It’s just a probematic setting and like bruteforcing the sim to look better, as this option also increases the LD quality rings of the satimage ground textures, as well as the range of the highest quality Mesh Polygons.
Thats fine in rural areas in the most cases, but there are photogrammetry cities where so many useless polygons are built, where the fps will tank down. As well as there are more factors to perforrmance like the chosen aircraft or the multiplayer which impacts performance to some great amount as well.
So LOD can’t be the answer to get a better tree distance for many users, the only way can be to increase the tee distance itself. Good news is as the LOD Radius can still be manipulated it seems the limitation was built client side with the SU3, so it should somehow be possible to get the old values back.