Sim Update 5 G1000 and G3000 Instruments Inoperative

I have a semi-related question: I just read in the release notes that “The GTC Flight Plan page will now provide warnings when the system detects that the FMS active flight plan is desynchronized from the sim’s flight plan.” This warning popped up when I used the G3000 in the TBM, but I didn’t know what it meant or what to do about it. What are you supposed to do when this happens?

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It is just a warning, you decide what is right in that situation. If the flighplan you programmed or adjusted manually in the G3000 is the correct one or the flighplan you constructed with the Worldmap based flightplanner.

As the MSFS has many bugs, I usually program or import directly into the GPS unit (and still there are bugs in the underlying FP, see other threads on that separte topic).

Oy! All I wanna do is fly…

I am having issues with the g430 cannot tune radio or any map stuff, this is only occurring on my Caranado add on.

#xbox-2 Yep. Heaps of issues after the last G1000 Nxi update never experiences before Some say’s # 5 but I have no idea how to track updates on xbox. None of the instruments work. The cam button maps gone hay-wire. Screen flickering like lightening etc etc. Unable to play at all. With so may issues with msfs 2020 (possibly thousands of players) is there no way MS can be taken to task for having sold a broken product?