Sim Update 5, working well for me

I haven’t posted for a while and I’m not trying to be an idiot here, but with all the negative threads since the update, I thought it only fair to report a positive one.

In this order:

  • Updated my Nvidia driver.
  • Rebooted.
  • Updated Windows 10.
  • Rebooted.
  • Updated all apps in Microsoft Store.
  • Renamed my Community folder to Temp (Admittedly there are only 5 things in there, and I truly believe that is a big part of my success).
  • Rebooted.
  • Updated MSFS2020.
  • Updated Content Manager.
  • Renamed Temp back to Community.
  • Rebooted.

Launched MSFS2020, loaded up the Citation as usual at my local airport.
Kicked off SimToolkit Pro in a browser window for tracking.
Launched a flight with no particular destination.
Dialed up an Altitude, VS, IAS, and Heading on the Logitech Multi-Panel.
Took off from runway, climbed out, then initiated Auto Pilot.
Noticed the changes in cockpit interaction… tolerable for now… I’ll get used to it, or go Legacy.
Noticed some text and screen settings that got changed… changed them back.
Noticed some sound settings that got changed (that could have been the Audio Driver that updated at the same time as the Nvidia)… changed them back.
Alpha Yoke working properly, Bravo Throttle working properly (including AFC_Bridge)
All Logitech Panels (2 radio, 1 Multi-Panel) working properly.
Logitech Pedals working properly.

So far, so good.
I feel for those having difficulties, but not everyone is ready to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Just sayin’


Yes it’s working great for me too.

However it looks much worse now vis a vis the lighting, not to mention pop pop pop of textures.


Windows/Invidia already updated.
Updates FS2020
moved things back to community folder
started fs2020
stuck at black screen of death with little circle in the bottom right of screen
total piece of what i put out by the street yesterday in the big gray bin for waste management to pick up because the moderators don’t want you to use the real word
now restarting things.
rebooted everything
got FS2020 to run to world map; plane is Longitude
selected KHOU
turned on batteries
system froze
more reminding me of the stuff in the grey bin
more updates sometime…maybe
UPDATE #2 and the final one
restarted everything
got to world map
selected KHOU as starting point
fired everything up; disconnect starters because that’s apparently a new thing where they stay connected;
asked clearance to depart straight out, no destination input yet
directed to RW17; a runway which was permanently closed a year and a half ago due to its close proximity to RW13L and 13R, which are the two north/south runways used at Hobby. Cleared to depart. so I did. Set speed at 185, climb at 1,000 fpm; initial alt at 5,000 all went well…for a while
did a bunch of course corrections climbing at various rates as increased speed in increments as I went, looking to get to FL350. At 15,000 feet, violent lurch left and right. engines maxed out, indicated speed go from 250 to 290 and back to 210 210; three minutes later, another lurch but things go back to normal. four different times, at 18,000 feet, FL240, FL300 and FL350 did the violent lurch thing, N1, N2, temp, everything go into and stay red. Three minutes into each, things go back to normal. Set a destination of Ellington Field; loaded everything, switch to NAV mode but the autopilot just set about going wherever it wanted, not moving along the flight plan lines but marching to its own drum. I abandoned the effort at this point and go back to where this needs to be in the grey bin. Sorry for the detailed thing but it is what is.

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Uhhhh can I have your set up? I’ll take the monitor on the left… thanks man!! :slight_smile:

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That monitor on the left is just a 2560x1440 monitor I bought from some guy off Craigslist for $150.
I saw another setup with the vertical side monitor and I’ve really grown to like it.
When flying, I keep SimToolkit Pro open on the top half, then three windows of popped out Garmin Screens, then the ATC and Camera menu windows at the bottom.

That third monitor (on the bottom right) is a touch-screen and usually has the Garmin MFD and Map display on it in two more windows. Looking forward to MSFS supporting touch functionality.

By the way, I use DisplayFusion to chop up all three of my monitors (and spread my desktop image and Icons across), until we see what MSFS supports internally down the road.

[Edit: This is a little better:]

  1. Main Screen
  2. SimToolkit Pro
  3. Garmin Input Display, Left of Pilot
  4. Garmin Compass
  5. Garmin Input Display, Right of Pilot
  6. MSFS ATC Window
  7. MSFS Camera Window
  8. Garmin PFD
  9. Garmin MFD



Sorry to hear that, and I hope things improve for you.

I should add to my original post, that I’m not running any unusual hardware (see my profile for specs), nor am I overclocking anything.

Just throwin’ it out there.

I’ve been airborne all day since I left Hollister, CA this morning, and I’m currently near Sao Paulo, Brazil, looking for a place to land.


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