Sim Update 7 VR Experience

Asobo broke VR again with Sim Update 7… the toolbar is now 100% inoperable in VR. This makes it nearly impossible to fly in VR since the toolbar is essential to my experience (Navigraph charts panel, weather/time, Vatsim map, etc). This is ridiculous! Thanks for screwing over VR users once again.


Shame, almost 1 year to release something specific to VR (controllers), and when they do it, they broke all VR experience.


Lol this sim just keeps getting worse for VR. First the shimmer bug in SU5 that STILL isn’t fixed, now this.

Wish i could roll back to SU4…


Yeah, let’s hear it for their new “dedicated VR team”, Buggs Bunny and Daffy Duck.


What a joke, unable to interact with the toolbar. On top using the VR controller to rotate knob is all around the place. Worst of all, I’m having you no what? THE LOVELY WHITE DOT in the middle of my face whenever I use my mouse since I use an Xbox controller. (That I use because I have whist issue).

Hope they will fix this soon, waiting for weeks for another sim update is not good and what else will it break…

I absolutely love this sim, but man…


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I can’t help the feeling that nobody from Asobo actually tried using VR controllers to actually do stuff. That or they have some super expensive setup that is a world away from what us plebs are using.

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