Simaddons CYYJ or CYEG for MSFS?

It’s been a while since I have been to CYEG. Simaddons shows CYEG with blue windows for MSFS:


Then I check the online pictures of CYEG in Google. And then I also check Fsimstudio’s CYEG for P3D:


They can’t both be be right :rofl:. The FSimstudio version of CYEG seems to have colors that match what I see in the Google images of CYEG, that is a more beige-brownish color. The Simaddons shows a very blue tinted version of CYEG. Was about to pull the trigger for Simaddons CYEG until I realized the colors just look so off.

Did CYEG in real life renovate to blue windows or is it some type of mistake by Simaddons that CYEG is showing blue windows everywhere?