Simbrief no longer calculating even flight levels?

I noticed that SimBrief flight plans are no longer using even numbered flight levels for westbound flights.

Do I have a setting/option set incorrectly somewhere?

Seems fine to me?

No issues on my flight West to LAX.

Here’s what I got Austin to Los Angeles… Am I doing something wrong? I used to get even flight levels but not anymore. Does it have something to do with the M82 cruise profile?

1,000 ft vertical separation (RVSM approved aircraft only above FL 290), only applies up to FL410. At FL410 and above, 2,000 ft separation for opposite direction aircraft is resumed, and only odd Flight Levels are assigned, depending on the direction of flight:

  • Track 000 to 179° – odd flight levels (FL 410, 450, 490, etc.)
  • Track 180 to 359° – odd flight levels (FL 430, 470, 510, etc.)

Therefore westbound at FL430 is absolutely correct. :+1:


Oh wow thanks!!! That is very helpful.