I can’t seem to import flight plans from SimBried into the flyPad of the A320neo anymore.
I create the flight OK on the plug-in to the EFB, generating works, too.
But when I click the “import route” button nothing happens.
Is this a know issue? It there a cure?
Many thanks,
I am running the latest fix of MSFS24 on a Windows PC (no previous version of MSFS installed, i.e. not 2020)
Works fine on my end. Do you get any error message? In your post you say A320Neo but the screenshot shows A21N selected, which is ICAO code for A321Neo. They are two different planes. If this is what you were trying to import into A320Neo then it’s not a surprise it didn’t work.
hmm, you are right. Strange!
Either I changed this unknowingly/accidentally - or it miraculously worked before when it should never have.
I will check this out and try again.
ok, I tried with the correct coe (hopefully: A20N).
But still, it oes not import. It generates OK, but clicking the import button does nothing (no error message either).
Check out the video capture.
Any iddea?
No, not really.
I am pausing from flying (or rather struggling to fly as my brakes freeze up on the stop at the runway entry, too) for some time in hop Microsoft gets their stuff figured out.
If this is Ini plane then why are you using import function in simbrief default sim EFB tool. Just use the Ini EFB to import the flightplan, that is how Ini aircraft is meant to work.
Hi! Is there any update on the SimBrief issue? Tried to import with G3000 in Vision Jet and “Importing…” is displayed forever.
I de remember that some days ago it was working. In the EFB same issue as described above: also nothing happening after clicking Import there
I think I may have found a way to work around this issue. Has worked the last 2 times I have tried.
1st, Open the package reorder tool in the Advanced Options in the Sim
2nd, Set navigraph-nav-base to the very bottom of the list by clicking the downward pointing triangles.
3rd If you see navigraph-nav-jepp, set that to second from the bottom, navigraph-nav-base should be the very last entry.
4th Exit the Sim and restart it
5th I noticed that when importing a new flight plan from Simbrief, make sure you are zoomed in fairly close on the map, don’t be zoomed completely out to global view. Try zooming in to a “regional;” size view before importing.
It worked for me so far. I’m also using the Beta right now too, so there is that as well.