SimConnect Events

good day,
im just taking a first look at simConnect events with Pete´s new FSUIPC7 on msfs2020
It is noticeable that the system is permanently flodded by the LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_SET event (Cntrl 67227) .The behavior is kind of strange.Couldn´t this be a reason for the latest heavy increasing of CTDs or is it just normal ?

Are you referring to this variable in SimVars? It does have text on it “DO DO”. When I browse this variable in-sim using SimVarWatcher I am not seeing any activity at all while I fly:

its shown in FSUIPC7 console when enabling event loggin … the message is hammering out permanently

That is interesting. I just Googled that field and it was noted a while ago, mid-page: [BUG] COCKPIT LIGHT POTENTIOMETER SDK DATA VARIABLES IGNORED AFTER UPDATE · Issue #1202 · flybywiresim/a32nx · GitHub

It maybe reported in other places too. That is the first one I looked at.

He is talking about updating the variable here soon, 28 Days ago (NguyenQHy):

You get the gist. You don’t need your own Google Assistant. :slight_smile: It is not good to see that many events firing for such a silly control to the lights.

As a coder I noticed a bit unpleasant also in connection with the many CTD messages and performance drops after the last update. A constant loop in the code could do something like this. Even if the function does not provide any meaningful data, the call seems to take place

I know where you are headed with that logic and it makes good sense to me. Recursive calls can bring software down after a few million hits.

Did you see this event message before the last update or only after the update?

Unfortunately, these are my first observations on msfs2020 so I can’t make the comparison before and after

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Are you using Alpha yoke or Bravo quadrant? Those 2 have switches that act as holding button and maybe related to this issue.

To answer your question, I just remove the joystick, but it has no effect on the flooding of the message.Changing airplanes does affect the frequency of the messages.(Maybe it is just a normal procedure but it looks kind of weird)

Sounds like a bug regardless. You should ZenDesk it :smiley: .