Simconnect Missing?

For some reason I am missing the Simconnect entry in my MSFS. It is not listed in my installed apps list. I need it to operate several addons. Where can I find it to redownload and install it? Many thanks!

You have to install the SDK. Switch developer mode on. There will be a menu item pointing you to the SDK download folder.

There are 2 downloads: Core and Documentation.

No need - simconnect is part of MSFS.

Normally you should not have to install anything to use SimConnect-based programs with MSFS.

The actual SimConnect server is part of the MSFS executable; any SimConnect client can connect to the simulator locally or over the network (as long as your firewall allows it) without any additional installations.

You only need to install the SDK if you are developing new applications yourself (writing code).

If you’re thinking you’re missing something like “SimConnect.dll”, the client library that implements the connection to the MSFS SimConnect server, a copy of that that will usually come with any program that needs it (or it may use an alternate implementation, or the statically-linked version, or something else). If you have received a program that doesn’t work without it, contact the person you got that program from and ask them to provide the entire thing and all its dependencies for you instead of just the .exe.


MSFS 2020 is a SimConnect Server. Everything related to the server is included in MSFS. If you are looking for SimConnect (Server) in the Package Library of MSFS you won’t find it because it is built into MSFS.

However, if you need to develop your own Simconnect Client, you need to install the SDK and you will have what you need to communicate to the “Server” from your own client.

When you are using someone else’s project, normally the Simconnect client DLL file is distributed with the app.

Here is the documentation:

and what going wrong when simconnect not work? I have deinstall MSFS and after Restart new installed (137 GB and 80 GB World Updates) and it didnt work. I have no Connections to LittleNavmap, Swift, PMDG Planes and Fenix.
Please Help me! I have absolutely no plan what i can do.

My issue is with FSLTL not working since their last big update (1.3.1). Don’t know if it is missing from their download (their own version) or something else. I uninstalled and re-installed. No change. FSRealistic seems to work OK. Frustrating.