Simconnect seems to stop when pausing the game, leading to apps like Beyond ATC to stop working


Description of the issue:
I noticed today that the 3rd Party App „Beyond ATC“ that I am using regularly loses connection to the simulator. On their Discord I was told that this is because Simconnect stops when MSFS2024 is paused. This causes apps which are connected via Simconnect to not function anymore and lose connection.
It never was a problem in MS2020 so I would appreciate consideration to change this behavior.

I know that I talk about 3rd party products here but the cause of the issue seems to lie within the sim itself.

[PC Only] Did you remove all your community mods/add-ons? If yes, are you still experiencing the issue?
yes same issue


How often does this occur for you (Example: Just once, every time on sim load, intermittently)? Everytime I pause the game (Esc)


Please list clear steps you took in order to help our test team reproduce the same issue:

  1. start a flight
  2. start Beyond ATC, BATC establishes connection with the simulator
  3. pause the game
  4. BATC tells me that connection was lost

[PC Only] Are you using Developer Mode or have you made any changes to it?


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Hi Markus,

As someone who maintains a SimConnect-based app, this certainly caught my eye.

But could you, or Beyond ATC folks, elaborate on what you mean by “stop?”

Because I’m not seeing that here… In all pause modes SimConnect still responds. For example I can switch camera views and move the camera around while paused.

I can also get data back from the sim. When I update COCKPIT CAMERA HEIGHT SimVar, for example, with one SimConnect client, I can see the value changing with an entirely different client/app. Which means SimConnect keeps sending those updates.

And just a bit more detail, one of my projects is a WASM module which uses SimConnect’s Frame system event to run an event loop. This event keeps firing while the sim is paused. I know that’s not the same as an external SimConnect client, but I thought it worth mentioning.

Current sim version is My SimConnect clients (and WASM) are built with the latest MSFS 2020 SDK, v0.24.3.

I think some further investigation may be required.


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Hi Max,
Interesting, you definitely have much more insight there than me. I just noticed that BATC disconnects shortly after I pause the game with Esc. This is kind of annoying because I have to restart it all the time. In 2020 that never happened. Now I am wondering where to approach this issue, because BATC is the same version that worked fine with 2020 :slight_smile:

Maybe BATc is relying on some piece of data or event that does stop sending in 2024 when paused? Someone with knowledge of that code will probably need to investigate. There are tons of bug reports going on right now from many developers, so it wouldn’t surprise me if Asobo changed something that affects specific functionality. Many of the changes are undocumented and some are frankly just nasty.

I’m curious what the underlying issue is, but either way hope it gets resolved for you soon.


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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• Yes

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Adding to this.

Lorbys Axis and Ohs, and MSFS Popout Manager also disconnect during a sim pause. Simconnect is the common connection point for all of these applications.


Yes, I am using Pop Out Manager 2024, and it ceases to function as soon as I go to make a change with MSFS 2024 settings, consistent with the above reports. I have to reinitiate the pop-outs after getting back to the aircraft.

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It also seems the displays of my winwing FCU configured with stop working after i have opened the menu. The buttons still work but the displays are frozen on the last values.

This is a big issue hopefully they can comment on this and fix this asap.

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Beyond ATC, who are always very fast to react, have updated their app to now be unaffected by pausing the game.

Maybe other developers can follow, I am not sure if this is an Asobo issue (looks like it since it seems to work different than before) or an issue for the respective 3rd party developers…

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Yes that’s what I’ve been trying to say… :slight_smile: Definitely not all SimConnect applications are affected. In the dev forums someone actually swore at me for suggesting that… lol. The title of this topic is somewhat misleading IMHO. I respect that it is frustrating. But w/out an actual developer of a program that was affected by this chiming in to explain what the underlying problem is/was, it’s not going to get resolved in any general fashion here.

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It appears the HPG choppers have issues if you use Pause during flight, too… the Collective stops working.

This is crazy and needs to be fixed.

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