SimConnect support for Xbox editions

I agree!

Half the fun is all the external stuff.

Xbox in network server where both SimConnect clients, from a pc?, and the Xbox connect to seems to be the most secure option.

I do not understand this rage against Xbox. Honestly - I do not get it.

I am a real simmer and I would love to be able to use all SimConnect capabilities - even remotely (remote procedure calls could still do the trick) - if Asobo/Microsoft does not allow for this to be implemented locally and/or “built-in” the sim itself.

Please stop thinking Xbox simmers are not simmers. This is ongoing for too long.



I’m an XBOX owner, and I bought the XBOX Series S so I could solely fly MSFS 2000. I would class myself as a serious simmer (I’ve been flying all versions of FS since 1979).

Question? If I’m flying, I see the other Simmers in the virtual sky with me. How is it doing that? It must be storing/updating the current altitude, speed, course, type of plane, of those simmers in a central database somewhere. If I stop flying, and go to the flight planner, those simmers still show up with the same data.

Why can’t Asobo/MS provide an API to access that data? It should be relatively simple, and that works around the constraints of the XBOX security. Then PC/XBOX simmers can see all the virtual traffic, all around the world. I don’t think the data/bandwidth load would be an issue. There wouldn’t be too much traffic at one time … if there is, then restrict the data returned to those simmers within a defined radius (e.g. 500 miles)

Maybe I’m looking at this too simple, but this sounds easily achievable. Make it read-only, so no one can hack the system.

I think this idea would easily satisfy most simmers, especially those on XBOX. Third party developers would also be able to create innovative ways of using this data.


Thank you @ZKDWF .

The more we encourage each other, the more there is a chance we come first in Asobo’s roadmap!

Look at all the recommendations, asks and commentaries for Xbox and by Xbox simmers and vote for each one that appeals you.


Please do not forget to VOTE (up there in the topic). It seems to be the only way we’ll eventually be “heard” by Asobo/Microsoft.

And browse through all of the Forums suggestions… I have voted for a vast majority of them - great ideas from the community.

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Reading positional data should be relatively straightforward. I’m not too versed in SimConnect besides what it allows in some of those third party campaign/career mode plugins, but I think the issue is that SimConnect goes beyond that. There’s some plugins where it can control the plane, like someone’s iPad app that changes certain functions in the plane.

Obviously, Asobo can certainly create a server/system that can be the in between Xbox and third party systems but they’re just rejecting it as a high priority. Especially when they can tell us to just get on PC… bleh.


Thinking about it more, one way Asobo can make this secure is to switch up SimConnect from being just an api that a program interacts with to a platform that can run on their servers.

Take advantage of Azure and cloud computing.
Put together a robust review team, similar to iOS apps.
Perhaps even tack on a small fee for developers or subscribers, like a buck a month. This last point might win them over… might be evil idea…


Most simmers using Flight Simulator and SimConnect, usually have some sort of Moving Map (MM) app running at the same time, like Volanta, GMap, VatSim, etc. Your spatial information from that MM app is sent back to that MM database, so that all the users of the MM app can see you and everyone else.

So, why can’t Asobo publish their data too, since they know where everyone is. Then the 3rd party developers can wrap their software around that data. I know bandwidth could be a problem, but Microsoft keeping touting about the capablities of Azure, and the data will be pretty small packets (may be, sent every 5-10 seconds (or longer).

Like I said earlier, this should be relatively simple to implement.


Are people from MS/Asobo or any other DEV team still looking into these voted up items that have not been delivered?


I think the positional aspects would be the easiest to start porting over.


I just hope Asobo does more to give XBOX players a better gaming experience too. As far as I know, the XBOX market for MSFS is also very big, and therefore also economically interesting. Big developers like Aerosoft are bringing all their products directly to the Marketplace because of this. Therefore, it would make sense for both sides if Asobo put more effort into improving MSFS for the XBOX.


If Microsoft/Asobo is already planning something to release flight data like current position etc. so that it can be displayed via UDP in apps on smartphones, that’s good.

If this is not the case, I just don’t understand.

An example of games on console for a UDP interface support:

Formula 1:

Has anyone ever played F1 2021 or its predecessors on Xbox or PS4/PS5?
There’s the option to transmit the speed, rpm and everything else via UDP to apps like SimDashboard (Android).
This data is then displayed in real time.
The whole thing runs over the home network and it all works on the console.

Fallout 4:

Or do you still remember the Pitboy app back in Fallout 4?
In Fallout 4, there was also the option that you could share the data from the Pitboy directly in the game and operate the Pitboy directly on the smartphone.

As I said, these games on the console all have a UDP interface.

And such UDP interface is also offered on the console by some other games.

And here in a complex simulator there is no such possibility?

I really hope that something like that will come, because something like that is very important for immersion.

It would be really cool to be able to look up exactly where you are and what’s nearby on the Open Street Map in VFRnav on your smartphone.


We need simple telemetry. That would be enough to most of us. A tablet or a PC can receive such telemetry (coordinates, speed, altitude and heading and plot our position on an E6B aviation computer app (Garmin Pilot, Foreflight, Air Navigator, OZ Runways among other) or pC apps such as Little Nav Map, or networks such as Volanta, Simtoolkit Pro or like.

Maybe we don’t get full back and forth data exchange but telemetry wouldn’t be a problem.

As far as I know writing stuff in the console is problematic for security purpose as it may be considered as cheating. However if the Xbox can send data to internet to a given IP address that wouldn’t pose a risk in my view.

Allowing those flight computers on tablets or touch portal virtual buttons or air manager this would bring Xbox MSFS to a much sophisticated level without too much fuss.


It seems to me clear that the lack of telemetry out of Xbox editions is not a technical problem but a “political” issue. Do you think that WASM module on Xbox (SU11) should be useful? Maybe a silly question but I saw that FSUIPC7 already has a WASM module. MSFS & EFB (I use SkyDemon - great with Prepare3D) should be “something completely different” !
Thanky you.

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It would be difficult for an Xbox user to know that
PC users are reporting a loss of quality in the weather system, as well as other performance hits around the time of the Xbox release - this was mainly in systems with lower amounts of memory, or older CPU or graphics cards.
It seems Xbox users do not believe them.
Unfortunately there is a deletions process going around for anyone who tries to discuss the topic.
I am not sure why you said “more advanced”, as both have DX12.

Asobo didn’t include lot’s of MSFS functionality ib the console based on the assumption Xbox users are only gamers trying another title. The way they do things would not be a problem or challenge to Microsoft.

Xbox gaming community is used to single task machines. It’s not common to have games connected to external softwares. Only peripherials. It’s a Tv room thing which implies there is no PC in the room. So why bother?
Nevertheless there is sone people flying in Xbox as they wanted to do in PCs. Myself included. Asobo/Microsoft should care about us. This would expand the Xbox to a different level. But this involves changing certain standards from thr Consoles universe since they exist.

Consoles usually do not connect to external software due to risk of cheating in games which can cause bad reputation for the console.

Connect to third party apps may open a door that Xbox platform managers don’t want to open. So I imagine that implementing Simconnect functionality is a hard endeavour.

If they’re solving WASM issues and let third party DLC (mainly airplanes) define and write variables in the console this is proof that Simconnect can be developed at some point.

Moreover, Honda Jet DLC have already demobstrated that an Xbox game can connect to external servers with its Navigraph connection to its G3000 displays.

For me, telemetry through Simconnect is now very easy to implement and it would strenghten the community as it would open the possibillity to use EFBs, moving maps, tracking apps, shared cockpits and so on.


I didn’t read through the entire post,
But Forza Horizon and motorsport already have an option to send live telemetry data to an external IP address through UDP (revs, speed, tire wear, suspension travel, tire temps, damage, ride height, etc etc etc).
It is outgoing data only but that still gives third party app developers plenty of data to work with in a game like this, and that’s on one of xbox’s biggest flagship exclusives.

There is absolutely no reason (legal, security, limitations) why this couldn’t be added to the core MSFS game.

Put in the options the ability to send live flight data to external IP addresses through a one way UDP.
GPS, flight plans, aircraft information etc.
This would give us enough outgoing data to have a console based vatsim where players could file their flight plans, talk through third party apps, ATC players could see the other planes on their radars etc.

It would give us the option to display charts and online VFR maps with live positioning.

It would give us the option to have displays on tablets for various aircraft instruments even if they can’t be interacted with.

None of it would need to go past marketplace, it’s secure, it’s obviously possible, and third party app developers wouldn’t even need to use developer modes.

All Asobo need to do is implement the outgoing data option in the core game and let the community do the rest.
There is no reason why this can’t be done.
Xbox being a closed system may have its limitations, but outgoing UDP isn’t one of them.


Agree hoping they do this asap!

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You could consider joining a Virtual Airline, where you can fly missions and record your flight data manually.

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