Simulating METAR specific weather phenomena

Now that METAR is being implemented, regardless of how buggy it is for the moment, it would be nice to get specific weather phenomena simulated in cases where it is indicated in the METAR.

Here is an example - LOWI 281320Z 16009KT 070V220 9999 FEW040 BKN060 05/M03 Q1030 WS ALL RWY TEMPO 28015G30KT=

It would be great to expect Windshear on approach and temporary gusts up to 30KT.

There are certainly numerous other examples of specific phenomena, such as drizzle, freezing fog, blowing dust, etc.

The MSFS weather system has to learn to walk before it can run - and as Jorg said recently in a Q&A, “the Weather system will NEVER be Finished”

but certainly something to look forward to in future years … :wink:

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