Simulator desk recommendations

i am looking for some recommendations on a gaming table for my simulator. Currently mine is sitting on a table. thanks

That’s a pretty subjective question and hard to help with.
Take your time and look around Wayfair, Office Depot and any furniture stores near you. Get creative! Think of you needs, wants and style!
One thing than can be an issue is the under mounted keyboard drawer. It can get in the way of the usual clamps that Yokes, Quads etc. use. But there are way around that too.

Other things to think of: does it have room for your pc on/under/beside, cabling, other gear, air flow, can it hide cables ( if that’s what your wife says it HAS to do… :wink:

oh yeah, will it fit in the area you want it to go?

As mentioned it’s important to consider what periphrials you have and their dimensions (how wide and deep of a desk do you need). Where is the keyboard and mouse going to go, can you mount a tray underneath etc…

When I found a desk I liked, I taped out its dimensions on the floor, then taped in my periphrials, PC location, etc…

Needed to ensure my monitor legs had enough room.

Also height is important, do you want to just sit normally at a desk or do you want to sit lower like you’re in a cockpit, etc…

I use a simple table from Ikea [LAGKAPTEN / ADILS Desk, black-brown/black, 551/8x235/8" - IKEA]
It has no side fascia protruding below, so it easily accommodates controllers that fasten to the desktop with clamps. I have a 34" IPS 1440 curved main monitor and a 27" 2° monitor, Honeycomb Alpha and Bravo, and 15" touchscreen mounted on the Alpha without feeling crowded. There’s still room for a keyboard beside the yoke. I’ve found it sturdy enough to withstand pulling and pushing on my yoke without moving or wobbling appreciably. It’s not as sturdy as some home cockpits I’ve seen that are built with 2x4 lumber, but it suits my purpose at a very reasonable cost. In fact, it’s about the cheapest item in my dedicated MFS setup.

I got an old office desk for 20 pounds and it is great. Strong, able to be drilled or knocked about for peripherals and a good size too. Over the decades, I have had so many desks and workstations, but this one is by far the best for me.

Depending on your room, I have fitted a kitchen worktop over the full length of one side of a small room, plenty of room, fitted cupboards above, fairly cheap to do also, just fix some wood to wall to support it.

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