SimVars - Source of Truth

Does anyone know of any resource which is considered the best “Source of truth” for SimVars?

I’ve found multiple locations so far which contain SimVar info such as:

  • SimConnect Variable Index
  • SimConnect Variable Category pages
  • Programming API page listing Environment Variable SimVars
  • Release Notes mentioning new SimVars (not in documentation above)
  • SimVarWatcher code

All of these sources seem to have errors and/or inconsistencies so I was wondering if anyone knew of better sources of truth to discover these and reference their default units and how to use them.


Unfortunately we are at the mercy of the documentation. The source of truth is the source code for the simulator, which we do not get to see, of course.

Do you have any examples of SimVars that are not in the index?

If anyone from Asobo/Microsoft is looking for a suggestion on how to improve the 3rd party developer experience, the SimVar documentation is a great place to start. In my opinion, it should be provided with the SDK in XML or JSON database format – not HTML. It should be generated, every release, from the datapool source code of the simulator such that it includes all possible SimVars. The database should include the natural type (int, float, double, bool, string), array dimensions, the units, deprecation status, description and any other pertinent information needed to use the SimVar correctly from the SimConnect SDK.