How soon for the M500? A friend has a Malibu and is looking forward to this release! Thanks!
Is this year
Do like the sound of this, will wait to see how it turns out.
Will a 727-100 follow the release someday?
Amazing news! The 727, DC-9, and 737-200 are my favorite era of airliners for sure.
Possibly. We will measure the market on that area when the 200 is out.
I want the external view sounds to be so deafening, that your product is forced to come with a health advisory warning.
In all seriousness, I hope you guys nail this add-on in every department. Having seen how FSReborn created quite possibly the most comprehensive ultralight in a simulator ever (and an unexpected ‘favourite’ in people’s “top 5”), it’s great to have them working on a product where that attention to detail is really going to be appreciated.
Thank you so much for the compliment, it means the world to me and my family.
Sting S4 was the way to introduce the FSReborn brand to the market, so people could get a little flavour and understand what is it that FSReborn is all about. We have another project coming out very soon Piper M500 turbo, it will demonstrate further how much I love doing these airplanes and my plans are to continue making things better and better as MSFS continues to evolve and I also have more resources to put towards development, for example the upcoming documentation from Working Title will help me to make things even better in future builds.
727 has a very special place on my heart, I flown a lot on these birds when I was a kid and my most fond memories as a passenger are actually from this airplane.
Those that flown on them would understand what I am about to write, the Boeing 727 was an airplane that you could feel flying with every inch of your skin, bones and soul. As a passenger if you had the great opportunity to sit on one the wing windows seats, the experience was just simply unique, specially during landing:
Your could hear the flaps sounds every time they were active for the next stage. It is an unique sound / pitch, wheeeeeeeeeen, wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen, wheeeeeeeeeen. And because the engines are at the rear, you can hear them clearly.
You could feel the landing gears doors under your feet opening. Bang, hmmmmmmmmmm and the wind rushing thru them. Sometimes it felt like the floor under has just opened, couple of times you just looked down to confirm the floor was still there haha.
As the flaps continue to extend towards flap setting 40º, the view of the wing was just incredible, it was amazing to see how much the flaps deployed and you could feel the forces of the wind going over them.
As you were getting closer and closer to the ground, you would hear the engines power being applied by the pilot and feel how the airplane was responding to it, this is another unique experience I have never felt ever again on any airplane to this day. The JT8D engines had also an unique sound, very distinctive.
On touch down the spoilers would go up, and the pilot would apply full reverse, the sound of that was just incredible.
So I totally understand what do you mean by deafening sounds, it was one the characteristics of the airplane, the APU sound when you exited the airplane thru the rear stairs was just, well, LOUD haha.
I cannot wait to replicate this experience inside MSFS, for me personally it will be like reverting to the early days of flying when I was a child, when humans and flying machines were working together and becoming one making adrenaline pump a common thing with each landing or takeoff.
This project is a one lifetime dream achievement for me… can’t wait!
The passion you have for your work comes through loud and clear and it is a delight to read. I am guessing though that to you it is not really work
Looking forward to the Piper which you say will be ready fairly soon. Can’t wait
Your passion is exciting!
Gotta say I love the -100 too…looks so stubby and out of proportion.
This is too exciting! I would love to follow the progress of this project closely (and don’t worry I won’t be that “when is it going to be released” guy, lol), is there a place we can do this?
Spent many an hour aboard 727’s, both the 100 and 200 when I was younger. Dad worked for TWA and we hopped all over the US (and bit in Europe) on the 727 and it was a lovely bird in so many ways.
The smoothest landing I ever had was a 727 into MCO back in the 80’s - the pilot burned up a lot of that runway distance but you couldn’t feel when the mains touched down. Only when the engines began their thunderous roar in reverse did you know for sure we were on the ground - this was long before the slam and exit landings these days. Pilots took pride in how smooth they could set it down. Ah, those were the days!
We haven’t heard anything on the Boeing 727 from SimWorks Studios and FS Reborn for a long time!! Does anyone know anything? It is strange they don’t advertise a bit more a new product they are working on
Both developers working very quiet on their projects and only make big public annoucements shortly before the release. I am sure both devs are working hard on the 727 and will make a post as soon as they have something to show of. No news from FSReborn are always good news, it means he is still working on the project
Raul is trying to wrap up the M500. I am guessing right know the work is there. I am sure we will hear more once the Piper is out. SWS are wrapping up PC-12. Pretty sure the 727 is some time away still.
Thanks for the feedback. Reassuring to know things are going forward in the background for those of us that are having serious difficulties with the waiting!
This is awesome news! I, too, have a personal love for the 727. I’ve loved the 727 ever since I was a child watching my dad take off on business trips. His flights were based out of Albany, NY on the long-since-defunct Allegheny regional airline. Back in the day (the 1970s era), there was a spot outside terminal C at the old version of Albany Intl where you could watch the east bound departures up close and personal. I remember feeling the jet blast from the 727s while my mom and I clung to the handrails for dear life! We always chuckled after it took off, partly from the thrill and fun of the takeoff but also from the fact that we were still alive! : ) I’m sure this has been eliminated for safety reasons nowadays, but I had such good memories of my dad and this plane. My dad would always bring me home gifts from his trips, and the theme was always a toy that had something to do with the 727. My all-time favorite was a 727 that flew connected to a string that my dad and I mounted to the center of my bedroom ceiling. I would watch it fly in circles as I fell asleep.
Life moves on, but your post brought back some great memories. I will undoubtedly be getting this aircraft add-on. Such a wonderful time to be a simmer. Best developers (such as yourself imho) working on the best sim platform (MSFS of course!). Does it get any better than this? No, I don’t think so.
Thank you for promosing to do it justice. My hats off to you and everyone involved with this project, sir. Seriously looking forward to this.
Good times! Good times! Good times ahead! Thank you!
The swept wing, three engined buck sucker! My dad had a gazillion hours in all three seats for United. It was his favorite airplane to fly. I’ve always loved the way it looks—like it is going fast just sitting at the gate. The rear air stairs were cool too, though I never got to use them. And boy was it LOUD. Those early jet years were the glory days of air travel on both sides of the cockpit door. I can’t wait for this bird to arrive in the sim!
Oh man, your dad got to fly them! That is beyond awesome! Kudos to your dad for being a United pilot. I share your love of this beauty, can’t wait!
Is this still in development?
Yes… it is