SimWorks Studios and PILOT'S Dash 7!

First: I love this aircraft, and my post is not to point fingers or something alike. Pilots have delivered a aircraft that is worth more then they charge for. I was really suprised by the low price tag.

I just believe, that a simple beta range implementation would greatly increase the fun of using this aircraft. So I made a small template, that you as a user can try out, until Pilots comes up with a better implementation.

My Template only uses SDK vars, no fancy code. There still are SDK limitations, that dont play nicely in Beta range, ITT seems not to behave good and prop rpm can increase very high, if you stay long at disc position.
There are certainly more sophisticated ways to implement a beta range, but my template does the job, with a few minutes coding.

So if you want to have a simple beta range follow the steps:

  1. Edit (Notepad) engines.cfg line 92
    minimum_on_ground_beta = 15.2 (from 10)

  2. Open (Notepad) model/dhc7_interior.xml

  • Goto line 69 and make sure it reads /UseTemplate

  • goto end of the line and press enter so that you have an empty line 70

  • insert the following code:

      	<!-- JayDee Dash 7 Simple Beta Range Template-->
      	<UseTemplate Name="ASOBO_GT_Update">
      			(A:GENERAL ENG THROTTLE LEVER POSITION:1, Percent) 0 &lt; if{ 
      				1 (&gt;A:PROP BETA FORCED ACTIVE:1, Bool)
      				(A:GENERAL ENG THROTTLE LEVER POSITION:1, Percent) -11 &gt;= if{
      				15.2 (A:GENERAL ENG THROTTLE LEVER POSITION:1, Percent) 11 / 19.2 * + (&gt;A:PROP BETA FORCED POSITION:1, Degrees)
      				-4 (A:GENERAL ENG THROTTLE LEVER POSITION:1, Percent) 11 + 14 / 10.48 * + (&gt;A:PROP BETA FORCED POSITION:1, Degrees)
      				0 (&gt;A:PROP BETA FORCED ACTIVE:1, Bool)
      			(A:GENERAL ENG THROTTLE LEVER POSITION:2, Percent) 0 &lt; if{ 
      				1 (&gt;A:PROP BETA FORCED ACTIVE:2, Bool)
      				(A:GENERAL ENG THROTTLE LEVER POSITION:2, Percent) -11 &gt;= if{
      				15.2 (A:GENERAL ENG THROTTLE LEVER POSITION:2, Percent) 11 / 19.2 * + (&gt;A:PROP BETA FORCED POSITION:2, Degrees)
      				-4 (A:GENERAL ENG THROTTLE LEVER POSITION:2, Percent) 11 + 14 / 10.48 * + (&gt;A:PROP BETA FORCED POSITION:2, Degrees)
      				0 (&gt;A:PROP BETA FORCED ACTIVE:2, Bool)
      			(A:GENERAL ENG THROTTLE LEVER POSITION:3, Percent) 0 &lt; if{ 
      				1 (&gt;A:PROP BETA FORCED ACTIVE:3, Bool)
      				(A:GENERAL ENG THROTTLE LEVER POSITION:3, Percent) -11 &gt;= if{
      				15.2 (A:GENERAL ENG THROTTLE LEVER POSITION:3, Percent) 11 / 19.2 * + (&gt;A:PROP BETA FORCED POSITION:3, Degrees)
      				-4 (A:GENERAL ENG THROTTLE LEVER POSITION:3, Percent) 11 + 14 / 10.48 * + (&gt;A:PROP BETA FORCED POSITION:3, Degrees)
      				0 (&gt;A:PROP BETA FORCED ACTIVE:3, Bool)
      			(A:GENERAL ENG THROTTLE LEVER POSITION:4, Percent) 0 &lt; if{ 
      				1 (&gt;A:PROP BETA FORCED ACTIVE:4, Bool)
      				(A:GENERAL ENG THROTTLE LEVER POSITION:4, Percent) -11 &gt;= if{
      				15.2 (A:GENERAL ENG THROTTLE LEVER POSITION:4, Percent) 11 / 19.2 * + (&gt;A:PROP BETA FORCED POSITION:4, Degrees)
      				-4 (A:GENERAL ENG THROTTLE LEVER POSITION:4, Percent) 11 + 14 / 10.48 * + (&gt;A:PROP BETA FORCED POSITION:4, Degrees)
      				0 (&gt;A:PROP BETA FORCED ACTIVE:4, Bool)
  • make sure next line is /Component

Save. Try Beta range in Game.
Beta is exclusively on hardware reverse axis to not mess with the rest of pilots flight model.
Minimum Thrust is at around -11 % Throttle, which is achieved when the center of the throttle levers are at the DISC marking on the quadrant.

Kind Regards