Slider to adjust/disable the scenery culling (reduce panning pop-in and stutters)

I notice from the FPS monitor in Developer mode that, on my system at least, the sim now seems to aggressively target/limit RAM and VRAM usage to below 6gb even though I have 32gb RAM and 24gb VRAM. I am no expert but I guess this is the reason why objects have to be redrawn and “pop in” 1-2 seconds after I turn the plane or turn my head to look out of the window in VR?

It must be said that it is a remarkable technical achievement to be able to fly between the buildings in a completely accurate New York with good frame rates for less than 6gb RAM - I guess this is why many youtubers are so happy with the update - but for those of us who fly at normal (legal!) altitudes and can see further away, or just want to practise standard circuits at 1000 feet and check the runway threshold out of the window, the pop in of tree and buildings is not good and a huge downgrade on the previous version.

I think the LOD distances themselves (ie the distance and quality that various objects are rendered) are OK but we just need the objects to “stay” there when we temporarily look away - is it as simple as removing the RAM/VRAM limit and allowing the sim to use more than 6gb?