It seems like every slider in the game does not follow basic UI rules. Clicking somewhere along the slider bar should make the setpoint jump to that setting.
Example - Have you tried setting joystick sensitivity in VR? You have to find the seemingly single-pixel target of the slider handle and when you drag the mouse it jumps in random % changes.
Exactly - take my vote. I also want to add that the removal of the overall slider for payload and fuel has been removed which makes it even less friendly for the user. Now, you have to move each individual slider to try and meet your simbrief OFP, which is a big struggle as whenever you move the payload slider, the fuel auto adjusts. I attached an image to show the new UI. There used to be one slider next to the word “Fuel” and “Payload” respectively to override all the fields below it.
I and many others also covered more bugs here, where hopefully Asobo can take a look at all the bugs at once rather than sending hundreds of emails to Zendesk.: Sim Update V ( Bug Megathread - Community / General Discussion - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
The Time slider used to have a handy +/- button so you could find that perfect sunset. With that gone (why?!) , the UI needs my suggestion for the scroll wheel
I think it depends on the aircraft you’re using.
I think that’s available for me there too, just not in the aircraft. Guess I’m going to have to generate my SImbrief OFP before starting the flight to make it easier to input the weights.
Yep, seems to be a problem for me as well. Except I also have this with the customisation tab, where it clears the field immediately.
Alright, appears the G1000 v0.4.0 was causing the overall slider to disappear for me, so I deleted that and installed the NXi mod from the marketplace and boom! the slider returned. Plus, the range knob works for me again.