Slow and Steady

006 Guaymas (MMGM) - Mayocoba (MX-0032).

  1. This time we crossed Empalme instead of passing it. Our first shot was taken directly above Libertad district.

  2. I believe these are water desalination fields? We found them on our way along the coast near Guásimas.

  3. We took a look back towards the coast near Pitahaya (lower right corner).

  4. We passed the town of Vicam after following the Carretera Guaymas - Ciudad Obregón for a while.

  5. The landscape changed after turning southeast again - now it was mostly green fields and a lot of small settlements and towns like this one called Francisco Javier Mina.

  6. We crossed the Canal Bajo at Quetchehueca. Fun fact - I thought at some points that I saw a larger city in the distance to our left. Well, we actually managed to circle around Ciudad Obregón without even noticing it.

  7. Our first proper river crossing took place at Bacobampo. We soon left the Rio Mayo behind us.

  8. For our last shot we found a pretty awesome location: The village of El Jitzamuri, located on an island within a coastal lagoon. Especially gorgeous in the beginning sunset!