Slow download speed without auto-tuning

`Folks, somebody…anybody I am truly at my wits end in here. I have been trying to re-install this sim since Tuesday 14th Sept. I have experienced extremely slow download speeds in addition an installation looping problem. I have taken note of all or most of the other persons with these complaints. I have seen and tried many of the work arounds and nothing works…at all. How did i end up in a situation of having to reinstall? Well… after SU5 and 6 i have been having crashes. I updated my pc/drivers etc and was still experiencing crashes with an empty community folder. So i decided to to a clean uninstall and then reinstall…Initially it seemed to be installing at the usually rate i get…I was able to get to 40% after about two hrs. (It would take me 5-6hrs to do a full re-install) After getting to around 48% i noticed the progress dropped to about 32% and it kept looping. so i kept uninstalling and trying different things that i saw on zendesk. somewhere btween Wed and Thurs when I attempted to re-install i noticed it was moving very slow…the same 40% that took a couple hrs, took me a day and a half.

I honestly do not know what has happened here…I know i am not the only person that has been experiencing this. But I/we really need some assistance. I saw a couple gamers like ObisidianAnt posted work arounds…did not work for me. here some of the workarounds i tried…

As exhaustive as it may sound, there are many steps to try. For respondents trying to assist, it helps to understand what you have already tried by outlining as such, so they don’t suggest things already attempted.

I will add a couple screenshots to show…tnx

`Just wanted to make an extension of my previous post

…to focus on the download speeds
In the screenshot below check out the download speed. and in the other one check out my internet speed

in the other one check out my internet speed

I have tried many of the work arounds including Netlimiter 4 and nada!!!

So earlier i posted the this

It turns out that the reason I was having slow download speeds was cuz I disabled autotuning to fix the looping downloads issue. Needless to say, it didn’t help the looping issue and slowed download. So if you are experiencing slow downloads try this…

Open cmd prompt as administrator
Type netsh interface tcp show global.
Look for Receive Windows Auto-Tuning Level

When I did it mine said its disabled. So i typed-
netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal

Hi guys on the topic slow downloads main game and updates i have very fast internet speed so no problems my end,on speeds however when updating on the new update we have received lately 2022 May downloads were very slow and also looping issue however solved problem downloaded vpn windscribe and wow fast as hell and sorted the loophole issue out too at only
$2 a month very good fast on bing maps too

I seemed to have fixed it. even with the ms store/gamepass version… at least on windows 11, it seems if you do have it already configured for rolling cache and download throttling you can delete the rolling cache file and the user option file then, verify and repair the install and stop the save file sync on launch its possible to go full speed… it worked for me when i was at wits end…