Slow download speeds, nothing seems to help?

This machine has been plauged with slow download speeds 20 Mbits/s when it should at least top out at 100.

I followed all the guides on the net … to no avail. Didnt want to re-install windows so out of desperation I started to uninstall programs that might be causing the issue.

I eliminated all intel utilities/drivers and let windows choose their own.
I eliminated all the Logitech drivers / programs (had one for the X56 joystick and one for my momo wheel).

After I removed all these I booted back into windows, and restarted the download (thats been running since 18:00 last night and was still running this morning and not even 1/2 way there.

What I found was that my crappy 20 dl speed jumped to 90 (woohoo), so as soon as this finishes installing, Im hopping that all my other issues stuttering/ low fps etc will disappear…only time will tell, but fortunately with the DL running at 90 Mbits/s I should be able to test this out in about 2 hours… fingers XXX

Well , sounds crazy but will give it a try.

I have been installing/uninstalling that kind of stuff … away with them.
And may be …

I know , I know … under my own responsability… :wink:

Thank you for the “Tip”"

The results for me so far are quite encouraging. 2 hours in with everything on and PG looks better then it ever has. The distant haze has disappeared, even with multi and live aircraft no stutters (but I havent really come into close contact with anyone and he was to far away to make a difference).\

My FPS are down a bit, but so far after a reboot and restart things have been smooth, and with the FPS I think the difference of the better quality is a worthwhile trade off…

Flew good part of the morning and into the afternoon no issues, took a break when I came back and relaunched the mystery fog had returned no matter what weather settings, but at least the A320 was still flying stutter free and avg. 20-25 FPS for the most part. Huge improvement.

Hi! I’m closing this thread as there is an existing topic on this issue. If you’re continuing to experience issues it may be worth adding your findings to that.
