Small question about Motion Reprojection

@OldpondGL i found the blow thread that explains a bit, but when ti gets technical i am having issues to unserstand…

but now i am even more lost, when i turn my OpenXR tools Frame Timing Overlay to see the window, which is the same as the post linked below, my window is neither blue or green as is, it is read, while for him the 3 first lines (App Cpu/GPU: etc…) shows on his blue screenshot, 445hz / 90 hz, while on the green 89.96hz and 89.99 hz so roughly 90 hz, while on my side, it is red and it reads average (i get aprox App Cpu/Gpu: 42 / 42ms 23hz for line 1, as for line and for line 3 i get Post Cpu/Gpu: 0.45/0.20ms 22hz, for Pose Age i get 135 ms … I feel really stupid when it gets to VR settings, all i know if, no matter what i do, turn Upscale off in OpenXR Toolkit or on using CAS remains the same almost, or if i use DLSS of any options or TAA, FPS remains mostly all the same. In the overlay for me it only shows as Full in the Compositor Type, even if in OpenXT Tools i turn MR on at 1/2 Frame Rate i get no NVOF10tS nor DXMV16T.

I tried so many settings with so many video found, is it possible i played with a setting that limit me stuff?

Again i feel really stupid as i am confused with all these possibilities, and the more thread i find the more confused i get with everyones own settings etc…

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