Smooth as butter

Ok I know this is not an Aerofly forum but I wanted to compare the Aerofly FS (which I have not booted up for over 2 years) to FS2020.

My gosh I cannot believe how smooth Aerofly is, no shaky images when turning heads, no stutters or small pauses, the cockpits are clear and crisp and the whole experience is smooth as butter! This is all on wifi using VD and Steam VR.

Yes I know Fs2020 has alot more going in the terrain, vehicles etc etc and Aerofly is many years old. But I think to get the best of FS2020 an RTX 4090 system will def do this game justice using a Q3.

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Yes, Af4 is the best VR flight simulator, by far.
Let’s hope MSFS 2024 will be as smooth too…

wow didn’t know AF4 was out, I booted up AF2 :smiley:

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Global streaming scenery in beta now.

Well, if this is the graphics quality…


It’s in Beta. Probably more like Alpha.

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yea…this is how MSFS looked like 15 years ago

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Steam Halloween sale on the 26th, and the big Autumn sale Nov 21. I’m going to throw some cash their way.

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Well, this looks and moves way better., especially in VR.
Yes, it looks a bit simple compared to the eye candy of msfs, but…
FSX wasn’t that great at launch because it needed at least a 10.000+ dollar machine to run it at a reasonable FPS.
It took me more than 9 years before i ould run it smooth on my PC.
And, don’t forget that the team behind aerofly is also very small, only 4 people or so.

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Yes, small team and early days. The key is that the streaming world terrain technology is not limited to MSFS anymore. Eventually all the flight sims will have it.


Asobo have given up on VR development as it’s only a “minority” interest. So, having watched the Aerofly videos, I thought I would give that a try.

It certainly lacks many essential items at the moment, but I’m getting twice the fps in VR, and the VR interaction with the cockpit is so much better. And for me, not only the cockpit but also much of the external scenery looks clearer (apart from the very poor terrain, of course). Clouds look different, but somehow nicer.

If Aerofly continue the improvement, simming could become very interesting in the future.


Increase the terrain resolution to 140 (I think in the VR menu) and you will get a sharper image and still smooth in VR - its an amazing sim, pity it lacks so much, i.e real weather etc

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