Capturing VRviewer output to stream flying in VR in the sim results in a very jerky pancake view on the monitor, which is disorienting to viewers.
Possible solutions:
A. Don’t move my head too much… I get that… but it’s difficult
B. Smoothing out head movements for a less realistic, but more TrackIR kind of feel. I don’t have TrackIR, but have seen what it can do.
C. Filters in streaming software to smooth video while capturing ( now you have increased audio latency between video and audio but not world ending…. )
D. FS camera parameters to control view movement granularity. Doesn’t apply in VR I don’t think, but I could be wrong…
E. FSRealistic/XCamera type plugin to smooth view changes
Vive Pro OpenXR support is getting there with SteamVR, but it’s hit or miss at the moment. Display captures don’t behave as expected…… will check it out … thanks!
For non-streaming use cases, does OpenXR Toolkit shake reduction work in the headset as well? Also, can it do anything to lock the horizon more (maybe with slight movement lag) and move the plane around you?
It’s a already long discussed problem which not really gets attention from the developers site. The head shouldn’t be stare mounted on the airplane in VR. That breaks VR rules and feels not really good in turbulence.
Don’t know how we get this problem back to topic on the developers site!?
I wish we could get a compromise in the settings. Anything like a shake reduction in VR.
I have been getting some pretty good results live streaming VR with the Quest 2. The only aircraft that gives me serious jitters sometimes is the Fenix at a large airport. But that’s the exception. Streams come out good live even with streamlabs running, chat window pulled in to VR and a bunch of other plugins running (navigraph, VSR, PDF viewer…)
Andre we need to keep steering people back to this and VOTE:
Its the only way I can think of to keep attention on this.
In the latest post on the Bug I have tried to show what I deem would be a more preferred method of head movement. (This was achieved in sim using drone camera inside the cockpit) while using VR. If the internal camera could act like the drone camera then we would have a fix/better outcome.
Horizon leveling requires a lot more cooperation from the developers/sim, as does turbulence manipulation/modification.
Maybe better just to ask to be able to tweak ‘camera’ parameters for the view used for the VR pilot. How fast is (e.g.) a 90 degree head movement in VR is converted to a 90 degree head movement in the sim, and reflected in the view. Shouldn’t be hard , as I see these parameters for all other cameras in the sim.
In that specific video I pushed the turbulence up considerably - Wind/gusts to help emphasize the planes moment in relation to the the cameras.
Currently the camera is locked to the axis of the plane. so if you bump up or down the camera moves with the plane. In this video i used the Drone camera to show how it would better work for VR users.
Take 2 minutes to go to the bug feature set and have a read through the original posters explanation.
That’s a very good visualization of what should be, but we will definitely also need a temporary “damper” when reaching for dials/buttons. (unless the mouse moves along with the turbulence.)
So is there a way to set the drone camera position with a hot key and simply fly that way in VR? Put another way, is that something easy enough to code into an addon?
I might be missing why that is difficult or does not solve the problem.