Snow Cover or No Snow Cover

It’s not “it’s not fixed”.

It’s “It’s not even in the bugs list yet” so yeah, I personally think that keeping up with the activity MIGHT make Asobo notice this. The real issue is that it’s a problem of a minority of places at certain latitudes, so it needs to be constantly pushed to get some visibility, which is what IS Needed.

Also, it’s NOT MeteoBlue’s fault at all:
You can see in the image that nearby Locarno there’s no snow at all, but the lake at this time is still partially frozen.

To me yeah, this is a major bug since it replicates inaccurate weather.
When the Weather Complaining goes for “Hey guts are not accurate” nobody tells them “just disable them”, things will eventually get fixed.

Now that it’s about Snow (and we know it’s not Data issues) I see a lot of “Just change preset”.
Well, nope. As well as guts, snow coverage is SUPPOSED to be working. I ain’t chainging my accurate weather to a manual preset, but either won’t land on an icy surface and with wrong temperatures.