So if I buy a new pc…

…if I have purchased the premium and marketplace content on Xbox series x I can just download them directly onto my new pc? It may have been answered elsewhere but wanted clarity on it!



Provided you use the same Microsoft / XBOX account then you have the license on both Windows and XBOX.

You just can’t go between the Steam version and Microsoft store is all.

But you’ll be fine going from XBOX to PC staying on Windows Store version.


That’s excellent news thanks for clarifying!

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If you have some removable storage that has enough space copy the OneStore folder to it and then copy it to your new computer after you install the MSFS app from the MS Store but before you launch it.

Then you will not have to re-download the content.

Edit: My bad I thought we where talking PC.

If I have the Store (DVD) version of MSFS then I assume there is no way to use it (using my MSFS account) on a new X Box X console?

As mentioned two posts above mine, you can copy it onto local storage media and transfer it over, if you have a USB stick or external drive or something. I’m mentioning it again because re-downloading potentially hundreds of GB can be painful.

The two folders to back up are something like:

  1. Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\Official
  2. Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\Community

When you reinstall, one of the first things MSFS asks you is where you want to install the Packages folder. You can move that Packages folder backup into exactly the same place on your new computer and point your new installation to it, and save hours of downloading (and a little bit of your electric bill).

Start download and go to bed, check in the morning (have your power sleep timers OFF)

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Why? I just installed on a new computer; a little over two hours including the World updates in Content Manager.

This is the important part!

All depends on the speed of one’s Internet connection, Gunny. :slight_smile: I bet you’ve got a pretty ■■■■ fast connection if it only took two hours for the core and the updates!

Oh, and Semper Fi!

I realize that, but overnight? That reminds me of when I began doing videos. 8-10 hours to render a 1-hour movie. Besides, I don’t do heavy internet downloads on weekends. That’s when all the ‘worker bees’ are online. I try to do it around 1400 mid-week.:wink:
S/F to you too.

It could be done during the day, I bet - but overnight at least the OP doesn’t have to think about it, and the (majority) of it’ll be done by morning.

I like your download strategy. I work from home, and my gaming PC is right next to me. Maybe I could set it up at lunch to grab the udpate (tomorrow?).

Now I need to change my gamertag to “FlyingLCpl” :wink:

I believe tomorrow’s update is for Beta testers. That’s the impression I got from the announcement discussion.

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No, testers got it last week. Tomorrow is the release for everyone.

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OK, Thanks.

Copying files from the Xbox to PC … seriously?

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