Sofly animals released

world full of animals, kind of. Fun to fly with helicopter

Animals for MSFS - SoFly

I find this addon relaxing



I think this would pair real nice with the HPG hot air balloon, or the Asobo Top Rudder. The whales look super uncanny valley though. They’d look awesome from the air if the water wasn’t totally opaque. Hoping that’s addressed in FS24.

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I agree :grinning:

I like the animal sounds that play when you get near to some of the animals. So far, I like the kangaroo sounds the most.

Some of the models and textures are disappointing - Specifically the lions and the aforementioned whales. I went to see the Blue Whale near Perth. I only found what appeared to be an orphaned baby blue whale as it was only a little bigger than the H145 I was in.

I really appreciate that there is usually a few animals in the pack that are animated but don’t walk around. I can land next to them to see them up close without chasing them with the drone camera.

Overall though, I look forward to the continued development and future updates of this product.

Australia is finally Australia for me

Really good model and texture for the Salt Water Crocodile

Unexpected Pandas in Australia. I was hoping to find Koalas.

I was disappointed with the current appearance of the Lions in Africa

Stopped by a default animated elephant for texture quality comparison - it’s still one of the best animals IMO. It would be fantastic if Sofly could add animal audio for some of the default animals in the future.

It would be super exciting to see places like Aoshima Island (cat island) in Japan. I like cats :slightly_smiling_face: I didn’t realize it before MSFS and watching Twitch streamers, but it seems a lot of flight simmers (that I watch) like cats.

I would pay double (maybe triple - up to about maybe $95) the price for this addon if Sofly made a fictional Monster/Skull Island (that you have to fly through a perilous storm to get to) or Jurrassic Park so I could experience the scale, animation, and sounds of Godzilla, Kong, Mothra, etc. and dinosaurs in VR. I mean - when I saw how spectacular Sofly’s crocodile looked, thie first thing I thought of was Godzilla.


There’s only two pandas in Australia, Wang Wang and Funi are both at Adelaide zoo and are very unlikely to be escaping.

Roos are usually quiet animals, I don’t remember one making a sound other than the common thumping noise on the ground as they hop away, which they pretty much always do. Maybe if you caught then fighting or mating you’d hear the calls.

Koalas though make an incredible grunting racket, usually in the middle of the night while you’re trying to sleep! Koalas are very hard to spot unless one crosses the road in front of you. Even standing under trees and looking up it can take a while to spot one, the chances of finding it from the air are probably near nil.

What you should easily see in Australia is the roadkill along the country roads, and occasionally in the towns, as unfortunate as that is.


:smiley: Oh, before this addon, I never thought about what sounds a kangaroo makes. I am definitely going to look for a video showing what a Koala sounds like now. :smiley:

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It’s the most unlikely sound coming from a small fluffy cute animal, and incredibly loud in the night. They have sharp claws as well.


Ah, I see what you mean.

While searching for the Koala sounds, I found a video showing what sloths sound like. Maybe in Sofly’s future updates we’ll see and hear sloths in Central/South America.

What Does A Sloth Say? - YouTube


Hey :thinking:… the Pandas from this addon didn’t make any sounds that I recall.

What Do Pandas Sound Like? | iPanda - YouTube

Cute pandas bleating (sheep-like sound) and making other noises - YouTube

the lions look weird.

what’s weird is that they are all male. That wouldn’t work out well IRL :wink:

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You must be local like me.

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It´s a nice addon but the sounds are too loud. While in cockipit it appears that animals are inside your aircraft. Whales sound keeps looping at max volume even after being miles away from them.

And please don´t put the demo mission at Half Moon Bay. It´s a payware airport and it´s weird to have animals not matching the region so close to apron and always during free flight :blush: It would be much better to spawn the animals only when running the demo mission itself.



Seems they heard you and best of all you don’t pay anything! I just found this limited time download for free on their website…

Their animals addon is currently discounted in their website, but is even better at 50% off in the marketplace sale.

I’m hoping they can bring the larger Dinosaurs when they release the payware version. It would be spectacular in VR :grin:

They now have perilous storms too. I wonder if the licensing for movies is feasible for an MSFS niche addon. It’s why I would be willing to pay a premium for it, but I wonder how many others would. It might depend on how many people showed interest and downloaded their Dinosaurs.

There hasn’t been much additions to Animals so far, but it’s still worth it to me.

Is there a performance hit?
I mean I have had troubles with any of these global type mods that spawn a lot of objects with hitching when it adds or removes any animations etc.

Birds, ships, parked cars, marinas, power lines etc. maybe it’s not any ONE alone but a compound effect that sends my system over the knife edge. Concerned on the scale this mod works it would be the same.

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Although I never noticed a performance hit when I was looking for animals, it could be that they are usually located in remote areas. As you mentioned though, I did notice all my addons causing increased load times. I only load Animals or Dinosaurs when I want to visit them. I otherwise don’t enable them in my Addon Linker.

It wasn’t Animals or Dinosaurs alone, it was all the other addons I also load. As you mentioned, it’s the combination of addons that impacts load times for me. It’s easily manageable with Addon Linker though.