[SOLVED] 747 Throttles - They physically move, but stay at 0%

Hey all, I haven’t flown the 747 in quite some time and tried it tonight. As I stated in the subject, I can move the throttles, and watch them physically move, but n1 never changes. If I hover the mouse over any of the throttles when they’re in any position, the pop-up label always says “Engine X Throttle Control (0%)” (replace X with whichever throttle I hover over).

I moved both the TWA livery and the ZZZZ JD CPM Boeing 747-8i Black Creme - 00 Main addon out of the community folder and restarted the sim; same results.

Thoughts? Thanks!

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By any chance, was active pause on?
Those are symptoms of that being on.

Moved to User Support Hub Aircraft & Systems that is more appropriate for community support.


Thanks; active pause wasn’t on. The throttles work normally on any other multi-engine planes I tried. This is just really weird, Al!

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Another thing that can cause this is the dreaded words “mod conflict”.
That can be hard to find if you have any amount of addons.

For sure; i’m using the addons linker to start msfs and I’ll keep backing off the mods (I don’t have many) to see if any of them are conflicting.

I am also one of the town criers for keyboard binding conflicts, so that’s where I started and simply can’t find any conflicts. And yet, I’ve heard that before and it ended up being a binding issue, so I’m continuing to look into that.

So frustrating that this is the only aircraft that does this…and it’s the one I want to fly at the moment. :laughing:

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You should try the sim in Safe Mode.
That should load the sim with only default aircraft.
If the problem goes away, that is the issue.

How do I run safe mode?

I just tried disabling all addons with the addon linker and still have the same issue. But if I load up the stratoliner, all 4 throttles work correctly. Same with any other aircraft.

To start in safe mode (it will disable your community and marketplace addons): once into the sim, go to your Windows Task manager and terminate msfs.exe. Restart the sim and you’ll get the safe mode option.

Give safe mode a try and let us know the result!

Last night I terminated msfs.exe, waited for the processes to actually stop, and started MSFS again, but…it didn’t give me the prompt to get into safe mode. Strange. I’ll try again tonight.

Well, I still can’t get the sim to boot into safe mode, so after reading some other threads I’m a tiny bit closer. It’s still strange.

I found that if I open “Flight Assistant” from the dropdown menu and enable “AI Piloting”, the AI will get the throttles working. If I do this by loading in ready to go on a runway, I can get some way down the runway and disable AI, and then I’ll have manual control of the throttles again. However, if I start from cold and dark, let AI start the plane and start taxiing, if I shut off AI I don’t have control of the throttles (same thing; they physically move but stay at 0%). Maybe it’s a speed thing. I dunno yet.

And again, it only happens with the stock 747! Crazy.

I’m still troubleshooting.

I guess I’m giving up on the 747, which is a bummer. I simply can’t figure out what’s wrong.

I just checked for windows updates, rebooted my pc, dumped the Nvidia cache files, dumped the direct x sharder cache files from c:, checked for nvidia updates (I’m up to date), and same thing. Guess I’m flying the airbus until the next msfs update (or 2024!). Ah, well.

You first have to understand that like several MSFS craft the 747-8 is STILL HOT GARBAGE!!!

Every time I attempt a flight the first thing to go is IFR. Then the plane sets it’s own course and the throttles go into self-control mode and will not accept any inputs.

After this the ALT Hold spazzes out and the entire craft becomes uncontrollable.

I used to fly this all the time and the problem was performance in game, but after updates this aircraft is not even worth attempting to fly. WHich is sad and disgusting at the same time for MSFS.

With the sim running, say at an airfield, hit ctrl alt delete, and from the pop up find MSFS and shut it down from the popup.
The next time you start the sim you will get the prompt for normal or safe mode.

I admit that I haven’t flown it in…I don’t know how long actually. 4 months? 6 months? Not sure. But, that said, I used to fly it a LOT, and never had any of the issues you described. I flew it so much that I created and customized a really detailed checklist, and half the fun of flying it was taking the 45 minutes to get the aircraft from cold and dark to lined up on the runway. And after that, everything always worked. So coming back to it the other day, I went thru my checklist, did the pushback / engine start, got taxi clearance, and…0% throttle. I can imagine that some update has borked it, and yeah…that’s a bummer.

Anyway, all that to say that I’ve never thought it was hot garbage, nor have I ever had issues (that I recall), Ah, well. 2024 is right around the corner, and I’m sure it’s gonna be PERFECT upon launch!! :joy: :joy:

Well, I’ll give that a try, but I’ve essentially done the same thing by opening task manager while I’m sitting at the gate and right-clicking “flightsimulator.exe” and then “end task”. Will report back in about an hour.

Huh. After a few tries I discovered that if I quit while the sim is booting up, I can choose safe mode the next time I start. It just doesn’t work once I’m in the main interface of the sim or sitting at a gate.

Regardless, in safe mode the throttles in the 747 work like normal.

I suppose I’ll now have to do the whole “empty the community folder and then add stuff back one at a time until you find what breaks it” thing! The sim takes 8 minutes to load each time, so…this’ll be pretty time consuming!

The last addon I added was the hondajet, so maybe I’ll keep everything in the community folder and move one thing OUT at a time…from newest to oldest. That might take less time.

I’ll report back if I find the culprit!

Thanks for your patience.

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Safe mode disable your community folder as well as your marketplace addons. So the culprit can be either in the community folder or a marketplace addon. I would recommend 1st to rename your community folder, start the sim in normal mode. If issue does not occur it means that the culprit is in the community folder. If issue still occurs, it means culprit is a Marketplace addon. Hope it makes sense :slight_smile: .


Thanks everybody for helping me noodle through this!

It turns out I had a 747 realism mod in my community folder. I removed it, and bang…all the throttles worked correctly again!

I searched for that mod, and sure enough there is an update for it (and for another mod I had installed), so I downloaded the updates and threw them in the community folder, and all is working as it should.

What a relief!!