SOLVED: Graphics suddenly like FSX despite Ultra

Your pics are city pics not same comparison and they still look washed is true better graphs than any sim but not like the trailer or when it first came out

Wait for DX12 and you will likely see an improvement, but I am still in awe at how good it looks, it uses 100% of my hardware, which no other game does

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I should have bought an Xbox instead of building a new computer for this game, I feel cheated.

Please mark it as a solution and change the title so others can see it.

Haha yeah I wish people would post evidence or something constructive rather than stuff like this. Everyone seems to not do the basic things aswell such as checking their settings or doing a simple restart after updating!


It happened to me when I downloaded the latest Nvidia driver. My 1440p screen suddenly became 720p and all the graphic settings were low. I restarted my computer and was then ablr to change the settings back. It is ok now.

Really? That should be logged as a bug report then. I wonder why it seems to affect some and not others. But anyway, good hint.

Not a bug per se, just something to be aware of, since after an update servers get hammered and you could be affected by having your Bing data disabled automatically. I think it would be helpful to have a “things to check” guide after an update, so we can rule out the most common issues we see here.

I’ve noticed the same, idk if have something with new nvidia drivers?

The gigantic square pixelated buildings that suddenly popped up in my small rural town reminds me of FS98.

I raise you 3 FPS!
Joking aside there’s something whacky with the mesh since the update last night i see a lot of elevation issues and tearing flying around shetland today. I’ve seen other people report the same.

I’m off to rake out my Apple IIc and get my FS1 floppies

Yes, the Update changed graphics to low , no comments…

AA dissapear , texutres bad, reflection, shadows. also bad, INCREDIBLE

what happened, -? the game looks worse


not a big difference msfs used to be way better

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the latest patch has trashed the simulator. It has lost graphic quality having ultra settings and bings maps on .

Now is a other game different thet sold.