SOLVED: Logitech FIP panel drivers not working


SOLVED: Did a clean install of Windows and they work now. First installed the latest Driver from 2017 and then the MSFS plugin.

I just upgraded to a new PC from an old where everything worked fine and for some bizarre reason, the FIP panels are not recognized by Windows on my new PC.

Logitech’s Microsoft Flight Simulator Plug-in is installed.

No matter what I do, the FIP panels get power (the backlight comes on), but the “logo”/splash screen is not displayed.

In other words, it is NOT the usual USB power issue.

When I start, it says “The FIP with Serial MZXXXXXXXX could not be found. This is most likely because the Saitek FIP Drivers are not installed.” It displays this message for each of my 6 FIPs. The other Logitech products work fine.

The device manager displays the 6 FIPs as 6 “Unknown device” under “Other devices”.

I have tried everything I can think of:

  • Installed / uninstalled all the different versions of the drivers from Downloads - Flight Instrument Panel – Logitech Support + Download
  • Restarted computer between each attempt, all different combinations of uninstalling drivers, unplugging FIPs before driver installation etc.
  • USB power saving is turned off for all things USB in device manager.
  • Tried both USB3 and USB2
  • MSFS2020 works fine with the other Logitech devices, but the FIPs only has the blank backlight on.

EDIT: I have powered HUBs, both USB2 and USB3. I also started as administrator. The only warnings displays is about the missing device drivers.

Is there something I have missed? Please help, no fun flying now that I have gotten used to my setup… :frowning:

EDIT2: After some googling I came over another device driver and tried it. It seems to work:

However, I thought it should be enough with the one from Logitech’s support pages?

EDIT3: I spoke too soon. The FIPs turn off mid flight one by one… This time completely black with no backlight. If I turn off and off the HUB switch for the blank FIP it turns back on, so that seems like a power issue although I have turned off ALL power savings. (I have not touched the Windows registry). No wonder perhaps, as the driver is from 2017…


Running MSFS2020 on a new Alienware Dell PC w/ a 3080 GPU so am generally quite happy. It is odd that the FIPs ultimately needed an older Logi driver to make them work. Still rather inconsistent when I boot the programin that they’re not always recognized but just seems a matter of pulling the FIPs USB out and in again and they’re found and happy. Not sure why the “S” buttons down the left side don’t work. Only way to change the displays is by using the up/down arrow keys bottom-centre. The manual from logi only references FSX. Guess they’re still playing catch-up w/ the new software. Overall, an amazing experience, esp. flying into the premium airports.

After a long time of searching, i finaly got the solution ,i think.

The solution is to install both the FIP driver and the MSFS_Plugin_x64_Software. If the FIPs are still not working, you may need to lunch the “Logitech Microsoft Flight Simulator Plug In” from the icon that was installed on your destop (C:\Program Files\Logitech\Microsoft Flight Simulator Plugin\LogiMicrosoftFlightSimulator.exe" --run --force").

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Such ■■■■ from Logitech, $169 a pop and they cant seem to fix things. This article actually helped me get them turned on but I cant change the ad that’s looping when it first powers on. I’ved tried everything from the Blue Logitech exe. It doesn’t do anything for me. Fired up the sim as well to see if that did anything. Still nothing

Did you install the Microsoft Flight Simulator Plug-in from–Downloads-Flight-Instrument-Panel

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I finally got it. That download doesn’t work for the initial setup. This article actually helped me find the driver. Windows 10 doesn’t find the device driver. The driver that worked was from 2017 as per the link above. I did download the link you sent, just in case it needed that software to link with MFS2020, its working now. Thank you to everyone for posting!

Same problem here, after much research and trial and error I solved the issue. Even though I had 2 new $50 10 Port Hubs with 5 amps total and only had no more than 7 FIPs plugged in each hub (Logi says to have 500mA per port) I found that if I only had no more than 4 connections per hub the problem was solved. Seems as though no matter how many ports per hub, even with 500mA available each, the FIPs could only accept 4 ports on a given hub.

So I just went through the same setup challenges and this thread was the answer I was looking for, thank you all! Now one question, my hubs are all usb 3.0, will that be an issue or do I need to buy a powered 2.0 hub?

I too have a similar problem. Also new to this so please be patient ! I have built myself a pretty nice cockpit. All Saitek: Multi Panel, Radio panels x2, Pro- Switch panel and FIPs x 6. I have had it all working until 1 x FIP decided not to play anymore. I get the Spad.NeXt message: “Error Rendering on Device”. I have tried unplugging and plugging back in - windows chimes indicating a connection, but a blank screen. Not quite black, and the red arrows flash on re-connection. I have tried running spad.neXt as admin, and have made sure all USBs have the box unchecked for windows power management in device manager. It seems odd that one has packed up and not the other 5. Any ideas?

Not odd if one has simply failed.

What happens if you unplug all of them but the 1 that isn’t working?

Sounds like a hardware failure.

So the original 5 re-booted up, and Spad is now saying that the affected panel has failed to respond to an intialise request !
Un plugging all of them except the dodgy one had no affect.
I think it is truely bust