June 11, 2021—KB5004476 (OS Builds 19041.1055, 19042.1055, and 19043.1055) Out-of-band
Updates an issue that might redirect you to the Microsoft Store page for Gaming Services when you try to install or start an Xbox Game Pass game on your Windows 10 device.
Thanks…now downloaded and it then made it possible to load Flightsim as normal instead of locking up on Gaming Services.
The amount of time I have wasted trying to sort this out !
nah, these kinda things should not really happen.
the whole msfs is not very userfreindly with installing and updating, not an issue for me, but for all those newcomers.
Am I blind ? No I don’t think so as I have a PPL and manage to have the same number of landings as take off’s so far
But thank you for that useful input.
Could say the same thing as my previous post had already said that KB5004476 , the relevant update to solve it , was not offered as a Windows update on my system yet.