Some VOR/DME not working

Many VORs in the sim ain’t working correctly, some don’t work out right and some only have DME information not lateral information. I know some VOR stations have been decommissioned, but shouldn’t VOR data from the world map in the sim match what’s really in the database? Especially when VOR to VOR course was plotted by the sim in the world map window?

Always good to double check with a program like LNM or charts if the VOR/DME in the sim is a VOR/DME in real life as well. TACANs are also designated as VOR/DME while we can only use the DME part of it. Really hoping this is fixed when the Maverick addon releases


Thanks for your reply. For example, in the picture I attached, both CH and SMT appear on MSFS and Skyvector as VOR/DME, but for CH I can only get DME information out of it, and SMT just doesn’t work.

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For CH, that is correct. It’s DME only

For SMT, you should be able to pick it up

In what flight state where you when you tried to pick it up?

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I wish I get correct information from MSFS world map, don’t really want to pay more to get over issues of MSFS itself.


Yeah I’m really hoping this overhaul comes when the Maverick addon releases, because then they probably see a need to make TACANs work. Best course on that moment is to overhaul the whole navigational aids system. But it’s still only hoping


To chime in: this seems to be a common problem. I’ve run into it several times.

The way I use the sim it doesn’t really matter all that much whether a certain navaid is VOR + DME in reality or not; if the sim’s own world map says a certain navaid is VOR + DME it’s disappointing to discover in-flight that the sim isn’t consistent and that it’s eg only DME.


Exactly, if the sim plotted a VOR to VOR course for me, and ended up many of them are DME only, it’s making the sim unplayable.