I have the PMDG DC 6 installed but have tried uninstalling it and it still doesn’t work. Several vor’s in the EU region do get picked up by the DME but doesn’t send the lateral navigation signal. I have double checked that it is a VOR-DME and not a TACAN.
Here are some screenshots from X plane where it works and from MSFS
That was jut a total guess i should change that my bad, but ive tried to fly several routes manually made and there was always several VOR’s acting strange or not picking up mid flight
According to the June 2021 Jepp charts for Sweden, SVD is no longer a VOR/DME. At some point in the last few months, it was changed to a stand-alone DME. (The VOR portion was decommissioned). This is an ongoing process both in the US and Europe. Every month, more and more VORs are either decommissioned entirely, or converted to standalone DMEs. By 2025, there will probably be only 30 percent as many VORs in North America and Europe as there were in 2015.
The reason it still works in X-Plane is most likely because you are using the default XP nav data, which is not current. If you update the XP core nav data with Navigraph, SVD is correctly shown as a DME-only installation.
It’s unfortunate that the ongoing real-world decommissioning of VORs and NDBs coincides with the launch of the PMDG DC-6, which (for those who do not want to use the optional GPS), is highly dependent on “old school” navaids.
For the DC-6 and any other upcoming “historical” airliner add-ons, there might be a market for a developer to create a “historical” nav database for MSFS that would override the default assortment of VORs and NDBs just as the Navigraph replacement database for MSFS does for current data. But, to be truly useful, one would also need historical enroute charts that would correspond to the historical navaids.
VORs will not disappear entirely. There will remain a network of (mostly) high power VOR installations to serve as a backup for GPS. But, there will be far fewer in years to come than was the case in the past.
I use littlenavmap for planning out routes via vor to vor, is there a way I can check if the VOR is still in use? I’m kind of new to this and don’t know where to look.
That would depend on whether you use Navigraph nav data. LNM comes with a rather old Navigraph database, and if you do not update it monthly, it will not show the correct current r/w situation regarding VORs and NDBs. If that is the case, go to the “Scenery Library” drop-down menu, find the “Navigraph” option, and select “Do not use Navigraph database”.
Then, also in the “Scenery Library” section, go to the bottom option “Load Scenery Library”, and instruct LNM to re-scan/re-load the MSFS default nav data. This process takes about three minutes. When complete, you should see the current r/w state of all VORs, DMEs and NDBs in the sim.
Asobo updates the default nav data each month, so you should do the LNM re-load of the default scenery library whenever there is a new Asobo nav data update.