Something good happened to the weather in MSFS?

Today - after a 4 day break - I took a flight from Lille to Strasbourg in the CRJ. When I set things up for a ILS landing on Rwy 05, at a distance of 20 or 25 miles from the airport, over the mountains south west of LFST, I suddenly noticed that some new weather data was injected into the sim.

The result was one of the most breathtaking sights (talking about weather) I have seen in the sim: haze over the lower hills, extending into the plains ahead, broken clouds at and below my altitude. It all looked amazingly real, better than what I am so far accustomed to in FS2020.

Does anyone know if there was a server side update to the weather system? If so: well done!!!


Unfortunately without photos it’s hard to make a judgement. I did fly today but it was as bad as ever…

Sorry, no photos - I was too busy setting up my approach and admiring the view :slight_smile:

To me it looks much more consistent than before. Being on my trip around africa in the TBM I hopped over to madagascar today and really everythging with the weather looks good. Clouds, wind, gusts everything was fine. Yesterday over Mocambique I saw something like cirrus for the first time, very thin clouds high above the rest, just a little bit to rounded but better than everything I have seen in the last 16 months.

Photos? Sorry, no, VR.

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I actually had the same experience last night on a quick flight in north FL, from Tallassee to Cross City. I chose the route for VATSIM coverage plus the weather, and streamed it so there is a video. (And no this isn’t some shameless plug for my Twitch channel, I just stream for the social aspect of some chat while simming, do not care about follows or views etc.) We were actually chatting during the flight about the weather looking better, and there are a few good examples at these time stamps if anyone wants to check.

Very Beginning - in the first 3 minutes of the video, sitting on the ramp in KTLH, the weather changes from precip fog and overcast in rain, to broken clouds with sunbreaks and good vis. This just illustrates that the idea of METAR-driven airport weather being static is false. You can watch the shower move off the field.

18:50 On takeoff, a great look at showers and fog banks in otherwise sunny and clear weather.

49:35 MUCH improved scattered/broken CU poking through fog and stratus.

53:35 1000agl on approach, about to penetrate fog with scattered cu in distance.

55:05 breaking out of fog

57:20 on ground looking across the field through fog of varying density, with diffuse glimpses of higher clouds.

There are so many variables, maybe I’ve just never seen these exact conditions in the sim before, maybe it always would have looked like this… but sure looked good! (And matched the real-world METARs very well.)

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