Any idea what’s causing this at EDDF
Hi @TheDaMnEd147,
This is generally caused by an addon/mod. Even if that mod wasn’t for that airport.
This thread (purged because it’s over 30 days old) may help:
Pink areas at airport - Community / General Discussion - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
Ok, thanks for the quick reply. I’ll check them out, luckily i don’t have many now as there always seems to be issues caused by some mod or addon.
I removed all free ware addons and mods, still the same. It only leaves all the payware as a source.
Even the recent purchases i have made have been moved out, as this was only noticed yesterday on 1 other airport, so must be a recent issue
What’s happening is that any texture/tile that is for concrete, asphalt, etc, is global - that texture will override MSFS default texture. No mods/freeware should replace the actual texture file - unless you put it there deliberately.
So for example, if there’s a specific concrete texture file for KSAN and KLAX, a freeware for KJFK using that same texture file will override all textures of that same file name.
See if removing the freeware solves it.
That’s what i was saying above, i have removed all free ware, re-started… and it’s still the same pink. Only thing left is loads of Payware to sort through… ah well. I noticed one guy in the link you added had to reinstall the whole sim to correct it.
The only reason this would happen is if the default texture got overwritten or the user put it in the wrong place.
Also when an update/patch comes, those textures will be checked. Next update is 22 December. So up to you if want to reinstall or check your payware.
An update will not fix the problem if it’s a payware causing it, but it will check that you have the official texture there.
May have solved it, I deleted Frankfurt, and reinstalled and it’s fine for now.
Thanks for your help
Looks like your right as it has returned as soon as i put the payware back in the community folder. This is going to be a nightmare to find which one is causing the issue.
Needle in a haystack!
Found it, and suprisingly it’s Payware i bought from Sim Market.
Better report it to the devs of that addon then.
Also; please mark your last post as the solution (by clicking the little grey checkmark icon under the post). Other users will be able to find it easier then.
Just out of curiosity, do you know when that payware was created?
This is why I’m hesitant on getting freeware/payware. The SDK right now is still a work in progress and if these developers do not keep up with those changes, it can break MSFS.
Soon, official 3rd Party Developers will get a pre-release of an upcoming patch to make sure their product still works.
As @MortThe2nd wrote, notify the devs of that payware to let them know. Glad you found the culprit!
12/07/20 was the release on Sim Market if that’s any help. I have informed both.
Yep, many SDK changes since that date.
EDIT: Wait… am I reading that date right? I read it as 12 July or do you mean 07 December?
I thought i would do it the American way… lol 07/12/20 over here .
I should have said, thanks for all the help guys… appreciated.
I Agree. I have downloaded my first Freeware airport today though. Flew to it from Heathrow and in the rain. Will have to test it a bit more but the guy has done a dam good job and is still working on it.
I will try one airport test extensively then remove it before trying something else. Down the track I will run more in the community folder but not till things are more stable.
EGKK : Gatwick Airport EGKK Ultra: Custom Buildings and Models Only • Microsoft Flight Simulator
Edit: Might break after the UK update though

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