Just had this happening:
already got go around once (which is already NOT LEGIT because it was caused by a “circling on final” traffic), lined up again, got another traffic spawned right behind me.
And then tower says “follow the traffic on final” (he means follow the last-minute-spawned illegit traffic BEHIND me).
And then of course, I was told to go around AGAIN at decision height.
Something really needs to be done about this:
outright STOP spawning traffic on final. We have to do evasion by ourselves and spawning traffic in the last minute is very counterproductive.
assign order of landing by who reaches short final first, not by who was given landing clearance first. In these last-minute spawns the traffic is usually already cleared to land when they spawned, making the player number 2 or number 3 for no legit reasons.
if 2. is too difficult, PLAYER TRAFFIC HAS PRIORITY. The call for player to go around comes at decision height so obviously there IS a system to detect who have arrived DH and who have not (which supposedly should mean 2. is possible, but who knows). Simply block the go around call.
conversely, as I have suggested before but was unsurprisingly shunned, add an option to neglect landing order in ATC menu, just like the option to neglect weather when you try to VFR land in a IFR-weathered airport.
Seriously please, the endless loop of illegit go-arounds need to stop.
It can be really frustrating after a long flight to start your approach as number one only to find someone just over takes you on final and land, you are than told to go round! You have some very valid points, in the real world this would never happen as the CAA will take your licence away the moment you land if you overtook another aircraft recklessly endangering safety of another aircraft.
But meanwhile until this issue is addressed in the simulator by Asobo just land anyway rather than going round and wasting time, I know this is a big immersion killer but what can we do. Once off the runway tune to ground and all your worries are over. Other option is to reduce ai traffic to bare minimums.
Sorry for self-deleting and re-replying. I hope I didn’t break any rules…
I might need to elaborate a bit:
the wrong landing order can happen with or without physical overtaking.
In my first approach I didn’t overtake the problematic traffic, it’s they kept circling near the final (one round on IAF, two more rounds on final) causing my distance to them being too close, and I was ordered go around due to they not being off the runway yet.
In the second approach the problematic traffic was spawned on the final BEHIND me (physically) but spawned in the state of already contacted tower and got landing clearance. Therefore when I got my landing clearance the ATC treated me as number two landing, despite I have been in the foremost position this whole time.
So for today’s case I NEVER actually overtake anybody. And in MSFS if I do that it’s only because they kept circling and lagging behind. I’m not a helicopter. I can’t stay behind them forever when they keep circling.
I thought it was just me! I was having a real problem with approach coming in too hot, or too high. Just recently though I’ve been plagued with “follow the Boeing 737 on final”, and there’s nothing there. I found it odd that this aircraft was ALWAYS the same aircraft I am flying. As a new pilot with a PMDG 737-700, my concentration was blinding me to the appearance of “traffic” on the nav display during approach that vanishes. I didn’t know if it was me, the 737, or a newly installed update to MSFS 2023. I too have been landing anyway. ATC will get over it.
No 4 is what I do. I catch them up at the runway exit and give them a push. Then they usually go away.