Sometimes this simulator looks so realistic

Shout out to Microsoft Asobo!
Shout out to 3rd Party Devs!
Shout out to the Community!


Looks stunning, did you record with the new replay tool?

Yes, the new replay tool is so smooth, but it does have a few limitations in the animation like reverse thrust or exhaust gas.

Here the landing :star_struck:


Looks stunning doesn’t it. Not sure what that wind sock was doing mind :joy:

That sound is so realistic :open_mouth: , they implemented new sound?

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Yes, the A32NX dev build is constantly updated on all aspects of sounds, weighs & balance, avionics, etc…

how can i use the replay system ?

No reverse thrust?

Am I missing something here ? Apart from sound, it doesn’t look realistic at all. Washed out colors, absolute garbage dynamic range and potato ground textures don’t provide a very convincing image.

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I used the reverse thrust but it doesn’t appear on the replay unfortunately. The replay tool has a few limations at the moment.

that was exactly my thoughts. The only immersive parts were the cam movements and the 3rd party sound effects.

Hoping the simulator goes ahead and makes things better.

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Nevermind. Landing was butter, no stutters, weather seems to be alright for that area, no ctd, so this is pretty ok for the state of simulation we have. :v:t2:

Sound was on point. Live the camera sway as well. I still haven’t experimented with the replay camera but need to mess with it today!

So whats your alternative? Just a genuine question

Ah I see. I’m convinced they will solve this in a future update.
Nice landing btw👌🏼

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