Sooooo, the wind is(n't) fixed!

Those are rookie numbers!



The wind has always worked in the UK. It’s not fixed.


Oh, I thought it was 225/3 everywhere. Oops.

Guess that means it’s a problem with the weather data providers then, not the sim :man_shrugging:t2:

Nope, I actually never have a problem with live weather in most of the world. It’s mostly scaringly accurate. Including the light levels.


Me neither, always get live weather although how true to actual conditions is debatable. Having said that, I don’t tend to fly in the US much.

Post a screenshot flying in the mid US at FL100 with winds other than 223/3. I’m afraid no one is going to believe you otherwise. It’s the most upvoted issue in the bugs thread.


Nahhh post a screenshot of you flying anywhere at any altitude under 10,000 ft in all of USA, Canada, western part of Mexico, Australia, Japan, all of Russian, most of China India, Middle East without 225/3.


I believe their weather data provider actually reached out to players and said they were surprised by the issue and they do not believe it is an issue on their end.


I’m fairly new to simulations. Can someone explain to me why this one feature not working on release is such a huge deal? I understand game breaking things like crash to desktop, install issues, .dll failures. But a constant light wind is causing so much of an issue. I’m really enjoying learning to fly, figuring out VOR navigation and such. A bit of wind I would have to trim for seems so minor. It almost feels like people are complaining about the pixilated shortcut and saying they wouldn’t have bought the game had they known the shortcut was going to be pixilated.

It’s more of an issue for those who want to mimic the real world procedures as closely as possible. Upper level winds influence things like fuel burn, flight time, and so on, and real pilots have to take it into account.

Personally I’m ok with waiting for it to be fixed, but I can understand people who want it fixed ASAP. Other sims (with third party addons) don’t have this issue so are more true to life in this aspect.


I’m not sure if it is an issue of waiting. Think the concern here is that they haven’t even acknowledged it is an issue, and apparently it has been an issue since the start of the Alpha. It is also not only for the winds aloft, but affects wind speeds at all altitudes including at ground level. Currently, if you want to have crosswind takeoff / landing conditions, you need to fly in Europe as that seems to be the only place that routinely injects the correct winds at all levels.

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And I’ve had nothing but 3 knot wind my entire time in the US. It is not fixed.

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Yeah I don’t fly in the US and have found winds to be working in Europe, parts of Asia and Africa so it’s not so much of an issue for me personally. I’m sure they will fix it soon. I’m looking forward to buying a new GPU and using MSFS with the patch in Sep!

Because weather is perhaps one of the most important parts of real world flying. Im studying for a commercial license right now, and id say half, if not more of the exam, is all about weather and how it affects performance and decision making.

Whats frustrating, is that the devs hyped up the weather, and its true it has sooo much more potential than anything we’ve seen before, but having a 3kt wind everywhere outside of europe makes everything seem dead. I flew through a hurricane AND typhoon, while graphically stunning, the wind was 3kts.

Perhaps most frustrating is despite this being the most upvoted issue here on the forums, it has yet to make the official “known issues” list. They add dumb things like “achievements not working”, but we’ve yet to get an official statement on whats up with the weather. Ive submitted zendesk reports, and got either dismissive responses (our weather works, its your problem) or none at all. Alpha testers have claimed this exact issue and response existed throughout the entire testing process too.

They didnt promise perfect default planes, or perfect scenery out of the gate, so I dont hold that against them. I dont even hold performance or CTD issues against them (its brand new and unpatched at the moment). They DID promise amazing and functioning weather, and its broken, and they wont offically admit it. Thats the problem.


I mean, I remember yesterday early in the morning, the official discord made an announcement about live weather and multiplayer going down for scheduled maintenance. Maybe it got fixed then? Idk. If someone still has winds 225/3 rn then I’m not sure.

Cannot agree that its fixed. Still getting 225 @ 3kts almost everywhere in north America.

In real world aicraft, is the wind speed and directon availible also in high alltitudes ? for example 35 000 feet?

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Ok guys, I think we’ve covered that it’s not working in the US. My bad, from seeing what’s been written I had wrongly assumed it was a global issue.

Maybe while you guys wait for a fix you could try flying somewhere else? You literally have the whole world at your disposal - with real world winds :joy:

You havent been following this issue very closely I take it. The winds always work in the UK. So no, for the rest of just about the entire world outside Europe, its still 3 knots EVERYWHERE. Winds are not fixed. Its going to require a patch to fix globally

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