Sorry..TBM and Caravan AutoPilot Issues *** SOLVED..for me anyway ***

Another (possibly related) observation/question: As I noted above my User Experience seems to reset back to Medium after each flight. I noticed that User Experience included navigation aides. In World Map I always change the filters so that I can obtain ILS NAV frequencies.

Does changing World Map filters impact User Experience rating? Could this be the cause?

So, reading through other threads of those having the same issue I am inclined to believe that the issue stems from activating AP near or after passing the first waypoint.

I seem to have found a ‘fix’ that works for me. Just flew twice - one in the TBM and once in the Caravan and no longer have AP/NAV issues with either aircraft.

My workaround (hopefully this helps others): if my flight plan heads south after takeoff I actually fly north and loop around and fly back directly over the airport. Once over the airport I active AP and NAV like normal - this way AP and NAV are activated BEFORE the first waypoint. This has worked VERY well for me so I thought I’d pass it along.

Thinking about this more, you could also move/change the first waypoint to be somewhere in line with the takeoff runway but I haven’t tried that yet.

I’m going to have to try the Caravan again as I don’t seem to remember seeing the autopilot act erroneously like you are describing. I think I stopped flying it because for some reason I could not get the generator to turn on and the battery would eventually die killing all of my electronics. Not sure if it was a bad binding but I just moved on to other aircraft. None the less, I’m curious and will have to see if I can reproduce the issue your seeing.

I did something similar to you, but I use the Saitek Multipurpose Panel (AP) , I set fl 4500 VS 500, at about 1500 ft turned Autopilot on, plane climbed at 500 f/m to 4500, level off, set freq of a VOR fairly away, hit Nav ,plane turn to it, airport nearby with ILS, 10 miles way, changed freq to ILS, descend to 2000 ft , changed VS to -500, plane leveled off at 2000, hit APROACH button, plane turn into runway, engaged glidescope turn A/P off 150 ft from runway, land (very nice) according to FlightRecorder free app, all this in a Caravan , flying in England near Swansea area, I live in California, USA, to me it works just fine. By the way Autopilot systems work different depending on brand and type of aircraft, learned this in X-Plane. The Garmin glass are very similar from plane to plane.

I got all this mods in the community folder and they worked
But since 2 days, all G3000 displays remain dark.
Mod in or out the community folder , reloading plane and deleting cache etc will not help
I submitted this issue to Zendesk … but …most of the time the issue is solved from their side (closed ) but not for me …
Ideas appreaciated